On May 13, 2011, at 09:42, Didier Raboud wrote:

> Hi pkg-meego maintainers,
> hi pkg-fso maintainers,
> (re-transmitting, see [0])
> Following some IRC discussions, I took the initiative to propose a BoF for 
> the 
> upcoming DebConf in Banja Luka, about Mobile UXes.


> As far as I know, several stacks are currently being developped:
> * MeeGo (multiple ones)
> * Plasma Active
> * Plasma netbook
> * Maemo ?
> * FSO ?
> * …
> I would very much like to see credible mobile user interfaces in Debian and I 
> feel there is a lack of such currently.

I agree, this is very important.

> I never attended a DebConf, hence even less attended or directed a BoF, so I 
> need some guidance. So first; would there be some interest in such an event 
> at 
> DC11 ?

Yes. I would attend.

> Secondly; I directed this mail to the pkg-meego-maintainers and pkg-
> kde-talk mailing lists, are there others that should get the information ?

Hard to say. Is debian-developers a candidate?

> Finally, I got requested by the DebConf11 talk selection team to write a 
> short 
> abstract for the talk, which I temporarily titled "Mobile UXes (Handset, 
> Tablet, Notebook)", what would you like to read in this abstract ? What 
> subjects would you add/emphasize ?

I would like to know what the "state of the art" for mobile UX is on Debian. I 
would think people would want to know how much work they would have to do to 
get MeeGo or similar working on their N900 for example. A simple overview of 
what is in Debian, what needs to come into Debian, and what might never get in.

> Thanks for your reading so far, and looking forward to hopefully see som of 
> you at DebConf !



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