dssi plugins xsynth, wsynth,whysynth bug reports

2017-12-14 Thread The Continuum
Dear debian multimedia maintainers, About 6 months ago i submitted bug reports on the follow dssi plugins for debian testing: wsynth - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=864003 xsynth - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871933 whysynth -

Qmidiarp package in stretch.

2017-04-03 Thread The Continuum
Hello pkg-multimedia-maintainers, Recently I installed "qmidiarp_0.6.4-1_amd64.deb" on a new build of current debian stretch.While the applications qmidiarp, lfo and seq all work fine,neither of them work as lv2 under qtractor unless i move the qmidiarp lv2 folders out of