LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference - Deadline Extension

2013-02-02 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig - LAC 2013 Organizing Team
sorry for ><  please >> <<

Hi all,

[sorry for the previous empty mail; let me try again...]

The Linux Audio Conference submissions deadline has been extended! It is now 
February 17th, 2013 (23:59 HAST)

So, if you were considering to submit a paper but couldn't make up your mind 
yet, here is your chance to become active! Never forget that this conference 
lives through the people participating in it.

FEBRUARY 17th is the new deadline for all submission types: papers, music, 
installations, workshop proposals. 

Check out the link below more info:

Please spread this information to anyone who might be interested.
If you have any questions, drop us a line at

We are looking forward to seeing you in Graz in May!
Thanks and happy last-minute music-and-paper-submissions,

on behalf of the LAC2013 organization team,
IOhannes m zmoelnig

LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference
May 9-12, 2013 @ IEM, Graz/Austria

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

New Year, New Hope, New LAC 2013!

2012-12-31 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig - LAC 2013 Organizing Team
Hi all,

survived the end of the world? bored of new year's parties?? nothing to do 
during Xmas holidays???

This is a friendly reminder, that the deadline for submissions to the Linux 
Audio Conference (LAC 2013) is slowly but inevitably approaching.

All works (papers, music, installations, workshops,...) must be submitted 
online by FEBRUARY 3.

happy music-and-paper-submissions,


- - - - - - - - -

LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference - Call for Participation
May 9-12, 2013 @ IEM, Graz/Austria

sorry for ><  please >> <<

We are happy to announce the next issue of the Linux Audio Conference (LAC), 
May 9-12, 2013 @ IEM, the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, in Graz, 

The Linux Audio Conference is an international conference that brings together 
musicians, sound artists, software developers and researchers, working with 
Linux as an open, stable, professional platform for audio and media research 
and music production. LAC includes paper sessions, workshops, and a diverse 
program of electronic music.

*Call for Papers, Workshops, Music and Installations*

We invite submissions of papers addressing all areas of audio processing and 
media creation based on Linux. Papers can focus on technical, artistic and 
scientific issues and should target developers or users. In our call for music, 
we are looking for works that have been produced or composed entirely/mostly 
using Linux.

The online submission of papers, workshops, music and installations is now open 

The Deadline for all submissions is February 4th, 2013 (23:59 HAST)

You are invited to register for participation on our conference website. There 
you will find up-to-date instructions, as well as important information about 
dates, travel, lodging, and so on.

This year's conference is hosted by IEM, Graz, in cooperation with local 
artists and FLOSS enthusiasts.
The Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) at the University of 
Music and Performing Arts Graz is considered Austria's leading institution in 
computer music, acoustics and audio engineering and has gained international 
reputation for its research on spatial audio and its artistic production and 
IEM has been embracing Linux audio as a production and research environment 
since the mid-1990s, and has contributed to FLOSS/Linux projects, amongst 
others by providing drivers for multichannel audio interfaces and hosting the 
Pure Data community portal and mailing lists.

We look forward to seeing you in Graz in May!


The LAC 2013 Organizing Team

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list