Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-24 Thread Alessio Treglia
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Arnout Engelen wrote:
 In the mean time, anything else I can do to get the package in shape for

We should wait for a response from upstream first.

Alessio Treglia
Debian  Ubuntu Developer | Homepage:
0FEC 59A5 E18E E04F 6D40 593B 45D4 8C7C DCFC 3FD0

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-21 Thread Arnout Engelen
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 02:57:57PM +0200, Alessio Treglia wrote:
 I've been doing some work on the package, license information seems
 missing in the sources.
 Plus, no license is provided with the original tarball.

Right - the README does contain a copyright line, states it's GPL and links to, but copyright information is not in every file and the GPL text is not

Can/should we include copyright information in each file, or do we need 
upstream to take care of this? Unless you beat me to it I'll prepare a patch 
somewhere next week to add copyright/license information to each source file
and send it to upstream.

As for not including the GPL license text, is that a problem?



 licensecheck --copyright -r .
 ./jack.udp.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2010 */]
 ./jack.dl.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2008 */]
 ./jack.transport.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2006-2008 */]
 ./jack.record.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2006 */]
 ./common/img.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/jack-client.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/signal-clip.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/client.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/jack-transport.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/file.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/jack-transport.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/signal-print.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/network.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/byte-order.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/img.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/jack-port.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/xregcomp.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/failure.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/signal-copy.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/ximg.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/client.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/float.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/time-current.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/sound-file.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/signal-print.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005 */]
 ./common/memory.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/time-current.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/time-timeval.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/img-ppm.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/time-ntp.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/byte-order.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/signal-interleave.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/img-ppm.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/print.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/time-timespec.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/osc.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/int.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/ximg.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/signal-interleave.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/sound-file.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/time-timeval.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/jack-ringbuffer.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/network.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/observe-signal.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/jack-client.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/xregcomp.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/signal-interpolate.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/time-timespec.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/signal-clip.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/osc.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/observe-signal.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/signal-interpolate.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/jack-port.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/file.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/signal-copy.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/memory.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./common/jack-ringbuffer.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./common/time-ntp.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]
 ./ *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./jack.dl.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
 ./help/sin.c: *No copyright* UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2008 */]
 ./jack.scope.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 1998-2006 */]
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2006 */]
 ./jack.osc.c: UNKNOWN
   [Copyright: rohan drape, 2004-2006 */]
 Alessio Treglia
 Debian  Ubuntu Developer | Homepage:
 0FEC 59A5 E18E E04F 6D40 593B 45D4 8C7C DCFC 3FD0

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-21 Thread Alessio Treglia
Hi Arnout,

On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Arnout Engelen wrote:
 As for not including the GPL license text, is that a problem?

this is the real problem.
Upstream's tarball *must* provide a copy of the license.

Alessio Treglia
Debian  Ubuntu Developer | Homepage:
0FEC 59A5 E18E E04F 6D40 593B 45D4 8C7C DCFC 3FD0

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-21 Thread Reinhard Tartler
On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 14:44:08 (CEST), Arnout Engelen wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 02:57:57PM +0200, Alessio Treglia wrote:
 I've been doing some work on the package, license information seems
 missing in the sources.
 Plus, no license is provided with the original tarball.

 Right - the README does contain a copyright line, states it's GPL and links to, but copyright information is not in every file and the GPL text is 

 Can/should we include copyright information in each file, or do we need 
 upstream to take care of this? Unless you beat me to it I'll prepare a patch 
 somewhere next week to add copyright/license information to each source file
 and send it to upstream.

The GPL contains at the end of the license text suggestion how to apply
it to your work properly. I'm including a copy of that for your

How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the copyright line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.
Copyright (C) year  name of author

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:

program  Copyright (C) year  name of author
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an about box.

  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a copyright disclaimer for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see

 As for not including the GPL license text, is that a problem?

Yes, because we are effectively redistributing your work. It must be
absolutely clear for any party, including the people that are interested
in redistributing work from us (think sidux, ubuntu or other derivative
distributions) what the exact redistribution terms are. Otherewise there
is a considerable risk that the archive admistrators decide to not
include your work in the archive.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-21 Thread Arnout Engelen
On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 04:34:45PM +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 14:44:08 (CEST), Arnout Engelen wrote:
  Right - the README does contain a copyright line, states it's GPL and 
  links to
  As for not including the GPL license text, is that a problem?
 Yes, because we are effectively redistributing your work. 

(to nitpick: it's not my work, it's Rohan's - I'm just doing some packaging)

 It must be absolutely clear for any party, including the people that are 
 interested in redistributing work from us (think sidux, ubuntu or other 
 derivative distributions) what the exact redistribution terms are. 
 Otherewise there is a considerable risk that the archive admistrators decide
 to not include your work in the archive.

I'd say the README pretty clearly states jack-tools is GPL'ed - and after all,
the old now-orphaned jack-tools had the same problem and made it into Debian 

Nonetheless, as promised before, I'll prepare a patch that gets everything 
into the form recommended by GNU and ask upstream (Rohan) to apply it.

Kind regards,


pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-20 Thread Alessio Treglia
I've been doing some work on the package, license information seems
missing in the sources.
Plus, no license is provided with the original tarball.

licensecheck --copyright -r .
./jack.udp.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2010 */]

./jack.dl.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2008 */]

./jack.transport.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2006-2008 */]

./jack.record.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2006 */]

./common/img.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/jack-client.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/signal-clip.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/client.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/jack-transport.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/file.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/jack-transport.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/signal-print.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/network.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/byte-order.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/img.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/jack-port.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/xregcomp.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/failure.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/signal-copy.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/ximg.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/client.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/float.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/time-current.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/sound-file.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/signal-print.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005 */]

./common/memory.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/time-current.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/time-timeval.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/img-ppm.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/time-ntp.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/byte-order.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/signal-interleave.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/img-ppm.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/print.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/time-timespec.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/osc.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/int.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/ximg.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/signal-interleave.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/sound-file.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/time-timeval.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/jack-ringbuffer.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/network.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/observe-signal.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/jack-client.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/xregcomp.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/signal-interpolate.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/time-timespec.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/signal-clip.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/osc.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/observe-signal.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/signal-interpolate.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/jack-port.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/file.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/signal-copy.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/memory.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./common/jack-ringbuffer.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./common/time-ntp.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2005-2006 */]

./ *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./jack.dl.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

./help/sin.c: *No copyright* UNKNOWN

  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2008 */]

./jack.scope.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 1998-2006 */]

  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2003-2006 */]

./jack.osc.c: UNKNOWN
  [Copyright: rohan drape, 2004-2006 */]

Alessio Treglia
Debian  Ubuntu Developer | Homepage:
0FEC 59A5 E18E E04F 6D40 593B 45D4 8C7C DCFC 3FD0

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-19 Thread Arnout Engelen
On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 01:13:31AM +0200, Alessio Treglia wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Arnout Engelen wrote:
  Could you add me to the alioth project so I can check them into git there?
 Done, welcome aboard!

Thanks! First version has been uploaded, I'd love to hear your feedback. 
There's probably plenty wrong with it still - one particular thing I'm 
uncertain about is whether I'm using autoconf in a reasonable way here.



pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-18 Thread Arnout Engelen
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 10:21:29AM +0200, Alessio Treglia wrote:
 sorry for the delay.

No problem at all!

 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 1:59 AM, Arnout Engelen wrote:
  - URL:
  - Source repository: deb-src unstable main 
  contrib non-free
  - dget
  It'd be great if someone could take a look at this and provide some 
 Please, push it to pkg-multimedia's git area [1], I'll take a look as
 soon as possibile.

Hmm, in this case it seems elegant to stick to Darcs, as upstream doesn't do 
releases and this way we can leave generating the .orig.tar.gz to 
darcs-buildpackage (

On the other hand it makes sense to have debian-multimedia packages in a 
consistent format, so perhaps it'd be best to maintain this package outside of
debian-multimedia? What do you think?

Kind regards,


pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-18 Thread Arnout Engelen
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 05:43:51PM +0200, Adrian Knoth wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 05:40:44PM +0200, Alessio Treglia wrote:
  Anyway, we could use both:
   - git to store the packaging
   - darcs to retrieve the original tarball, for example by putting a
  get-orig-source target in debian/rules
 Sounds great. 

I'll try it out for a bit - I fear mixing git and darcs will be confusing and
we'll lose the elegance of the darcs-buildpackage tools, but I'll have a look 

 Last time I had a look at jack-tools, it contained several
 different upstream tarballs from different upstream projects.
 If there'd be an update all via darcs, this would be handy.

Upstream doesn't seem to supply any releases at all anymore, it's now simply 
a Darcs repo with all the tools in it. Which works great.


pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-18 Thread Jonas Smedegaard

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 06:01:56PM +0200, Arnout Engelen wrote:

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 05:43:51PM +0200, Adrian Knoth wrote:

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 05:40:44PM +0200, Alessio Treglia wrote:
 Anyway, we could use both:
  - git to store the packaging
  - darcs to retrieve the original tarball, for example by putting a
 get-orig-source target in debian/rules

Sounds great.

I'll try it out for a bit - I fear mixing git and darcs will be 
confusing and we'll lose the elegance of the darcs-buildpackage tools, 
but I'll have a look :).

Last time I had a look at jack-tools, it contained several different 
upstream tarballs from different upstream projects.

If there'd be an update all via darcs, this would be handy.

Upstream doesn't seem to supply any releases at all anymore, it's now 
simply a Darcs repo with all the tools in it. Which works great.

I would be able to help out in maintaining this if done using git.

I would *not* feel comfortable helping out if using Darcs.

That said, my voice may be irrelevant if not using CDBS as well, due to 
my drastic standpoint regarding that and short-form dh.  The reason I 
voice my concern regarding VCS anyway is that I suspect it (disregarding 
CDBS) is shared with fellow Debian Multimedia developers.

Kind regards,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist  Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

Description: Digital signature
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-18 Thread Arnout Engelen
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 05:40:44PM +0200, Alessio Treglia wrote:
  On the other hand it makes sense to have debian-multimedia packages in a
  consistent format, so perhaps it'd be best to maintain this package outside 
  debian-multimedia? What do you think?
 IMHO quality increases as well as the number of people working on, so
 playing in a team is always the best choice.
 Anyway, we could use both:
  - git to store the packaging
  - darcs to retrieve the original tarball, for example by putting a
 get-orig-source target in debian/rules

OK, I took some time to investigate this approach. The Darcs route has some
definite advantages (it generally seems less complicated and requires less
custom scripting to fetch the latest version from upstream. More importantly,
the Debian Darcs repo would have a complete patch-by-patch history going back 
to the start of the original repo - the Debian Git repo will only have a 
manual-update-by-manual-update history going back until now).  

On the other hand, git should work fine, too, so I guess I should stick to 

Could you add me to the alioth project so I can check them into git there?

Until that time I uploaded a new version to

- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable main 
contrib non-free
- dget

Kind regards,


pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-18 Thread Alessio Treglia
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Arnout Engelen wrote:
 Could you add me to the alioth project so I can check them into git there?

Done, welcome aboard!

Alessio Treglia
Debian  Ubuntu Developer | Homepage:
0FEC 59A5 E18E E04F 6D40 593B 45D4 8C7C DCFC 3FD0

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-17 Thread Arnout Engelen
On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 03:53:19PM +0200, Arnout Engelen wrote:
 I noticed jack-tools is orphaned, and could really use an update. For example, has been transport-aware for more than 3 years, and that didn't make
 it into Debian yet.
 Perhaps this package could be adopted by someone in the debian-multimedia 

I figured I should get my hands dirty myself :).

I repackaged jack-tools and uploaded it to the 'collab-maint' darcs repo and

- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable main 
contrib non-free
- dget

It'd be great if someone could take a look at this and provide some feedback!

Kind regards,


pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Adopting jack-tools

2010-08-14 Thread Arnout Engelen

I noticed jack-tools is orphaned, and could really use an update. For example, has been transport-aware for more than 3 years, and that didn't make
it into Debian yet.

Perhaps this package could be adopted by someone in the debian-multimedia team?

Kind regards,


pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list