Author: glondu-guest
Date: Wed Feb 25 00:05:41 2009
New Revision: 6257

Add a script to monitor transitions


Added: trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/Makefile
--- trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/Makefile (added)
+++ trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/Makefile Wed Feb 25 00:05:41 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+all: ocaml_transition_monitor.byte
+       ocamlfind ocamlc -package ocsigen.xhtml,str -linkpkg -o $@ $<
+ %.mll
+       ocamllex $<
+       rm -f Packages.* *.html *.cm* *.byte *~

Added: trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml-status.css
--- trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml-status.css (added)
+++ trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml-status.css Wed Feb 25 00:05:41 
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+body {
+  font-family: sans-serif;
+h1 {
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 5px 0px 5px 150px;
+  height: 50px;
+  background: #df0451;
+  color: white;
+  margin-bottom: 1em;
+  border-bottom: 2px solid #af0031;
+  background-image: 
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+div.status {
+  text-align: center;
+div.status table a {
+  text-decoration: none;
+div#footer {
+  margin-top: 2em;
+  font-size: 60%;
+.good {
+  background: LightGreen;
+.bad {
+  background: Salmon;
+.unknown {
+  background: Cornsilk;
+td {
+  border-style: solid;
+  border-width: 1px;

Added: trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.mll
--- trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.mll (added)
+++ trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.mll Wed Feb 
25 00:05:41 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,242 @@
+  Copyright © 2009 Stéphane Glondu <>
+  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  Dependencies: wget, bzip2, ocsigen-dev.
+  let ocaml_version = "3.11.0"
+  let mirror = "";
+  let suite = "unstable"
+  let section = "main"
+  let architectures =
+    [ "alpha"; "amd64"; "armel"; "hppa"; "i386"; "ia64"; "mips"; "mipsel"; 
"powerpc"; "s390"; "sparc" ]
+  module S = Set.Make(String)
+  module M = Map.Make(String)
+  open Printf
+  open XHTML.M
+  type source_package = {
+    sname: string;
+    sdeps: string list;
+    sbins : string list;
+    sversion: string;
+  }
+  type binary_package = {
+    bname: string;
+    bdeps: string list;
+    bsrc: string;
+    bversion: string;
+    bnmu: int;
+  }
+  let headers_to_keep =
+    [ "Package"; "Binary"; "Version"; "Build-Depends"; "Depends"; 
"Architecture"; "Source"; "Provides" ]
+  type status = Unknown | Up_to_date | Outdated
+  let string_of_status = function
+    | Unknown -> "unknown"
+    | Up_to_date -> "good"
+    | Outdated -> "bad"
+  let skip_download = ref false
+  let quiet_mode = ref false
+  let progress x =
+    if !quiet_mode then ifprintf stderr x else fprintf stderr x
+let name = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '0'-'9' '-' '.' ':' '~' '+']+
+rule entry accu = parse
+  | ([^':' '\n']+ as header) ":"
+      {
+        if List.mem header headers_to_keep then
+          (entry ((header, values [] lexbuf)::accu) lexbuf)
+        else
+          (skip lexbuf; entry accu lexbuf)
+      }
+  | eof | '\n' { if accu = [] then raise End_of_file else accu }
+and values accu = parse
+  | name as name { values (name::accu) lexbuf }
+  | [' ' ',' '|']+ { values accu lexbuf }
+  | '(' [^')']* ')' | "\n " | '[' [^']']* ']'
+        { values accu lexbuf }
+  | "\n " { values accu lexbuf }
+  | "\n" { accu }
+and skip = parse
+  | ([^'\n']* "\n ")* [^'\n']* "\n" { () }
+  let get_one = function
+    | [a] -> a
+    | x -> invalid_arg (sprintf "[%s] should have exactly one element" 
(String.concat ", " x))
+  let assoc ?default x xs =
+    try List.assoc x xs
+    with Not_found -> match default with
+      | None -> invalid_arg ("Not_found: "^x)
+      | Some y -> y
+  let parse_source channel =
+    let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel channel in
+    let result = ref M.empty in
+    let rec aux () =
+      let entry = entry [] lexbuf in
+      let name = get_one (assoc "Package" entry) in
+      let entry = {
+        sname = name;
+        sdeps = assoc ~default:[] "Build-Depends" entry;
+        sbins = assoc "Binary" entry;
+        sversion = get_one (assoc "Version" entry);
+      } in
+      result := M.add name entry !result;
+      aux ()
+    in try aux () with End_of_file -> !result
+  let parse_binary channel =
+    let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel channel in
+    let result = ref M.empty in
+    let rec aux () =
+      let entry = entry [] lexbuf in
+      let name = get_one (assoc "Package" entry) in
+      let entry = {
+        bname = name;
+        bdeps = (assoc ~default:[] "Depends" entry) @ (assoc ~default:[] 
"Provides" entry);
+        bsrc = get_one (assoc ~default:[name] "Source" entry);
+        bversion = get_one (assoc "Version" entry);
+        bnmu = 0;
+      } in
+      result := M.add name entry !result;
+      aux ()
+    in try aux () with End_of_file -> !result
+  let runtime_ocaml_regexp = Str.regexp 
+  let build_ocaml_regexp = Str.regexp "^ocaml\\(-nox\\)?$"
+  let depends_on_ocaml x =
+    let rec aux = function
+      | [] -> None
+      | x::xs ->
+          if Str.string_match runtime_ocaml_regexp x 0 then
+            Some (Str.matched_group 3 x)
+          else aux xs
+    in aux x.bdeps
+  let build_depends_on_ocaml x =
+    let rec aux = function
+      | [] -> false
+      | x::xs ->
+          if Str.string_match build_ocaml_regexp x 0 then
+            true
+          else aux xs
+    in aux x.sdeps
+  let with_in_file file f =
+    let chan = open_in_bin file in
+    try
+      let res = f chan in
+      close_in chan; res
+    with e -> close_in chan; raise e
+  let with_out_file file f =
+    let chan = open_out_bin file in
+    try
+      let res = f chan in
+      close_out chan; res
+    with e -> close_out chan; raise e
+  let get_arch_status arch =
+    let binaries = with_in_file ("Packages."^arch) parse_binary in
+    let runtime_versions = M.fold
+      (fun k pkg accu -> match depends_on_ocaml pkg with
+         | None -> accu
+         | Some version -> M.add k (pkg, version) accu)
+      binaries M.empty in
+    let compiled_sources = M.fold
+      (fun k (pkg, version) accu ->
+         M.add pkg.bsrc (version = ocaml_version) accu)
+      runtime_versions M.empty in
+    compiled_sources
+  let get_sources () =
+    let sources = with_in_file "Packages.source" parse_source in
+    let sources = M.fold
+      (fun k pkg accu ->
+         if build_depends_on_ocaml pkg
+           || pkg.sname = "ocaml"
+           || pkg.sname = "dh-ocaml" then M.add k pkg accu else accu)
+      sources M.empty in
+    sources
+  let get_package_lists () =
+    List.for_all
+      (fun arch ->
+         let url = sprintf "%s/dists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.bz2" mirror 
suite section arch in
+         let cmd = sprintf "wget -q -O- '%s' | bzcat > Packages.%s" url arch in
+         progress "Downloading Packages.%s...%!" arch;
+         let r = Sys.command cmd in
+         progress "\n%!";
+         r = 0)
+      architectures
+    && (let url = sprintf "%s/dists/%s/%s/source/Sources.bz2" mirror suite 
section in
+        let cmd = sprintf "wget -q -O- '%s' | bzcat > Packages.source" url in
+        progress "Downloading Packages.source...%!";
+        let r = Sys.command cmd in
+        progress "\n%!";
+        r = 0)
+  let main () =
+    let all_binaries = get_arch_status architectures in
+    let all_sources = List.sort compare
+      (M.fold (fun k _ accu -> k::accu) (get_sources ()) [])
+    in
+    let status pkg =
+      (fun x ->
+         try if M.find pkg x then Up_to_date else Outdated
+         with Not_found -> Unknown) all_binaries
+    in
+    let status = (fun pkg -> (pkg, status pkg)) all_sources in
+    let all_sources =
+      (fun (pkg, status) -> tr
+         (td [a ~a:[a_href (uri_of_string 
(""^pkg))] [pcdata pkg];
+              br ();
+              small [pcdata "[";
+                     a ~a:[a_href (uri_of_string 
(""^pkg))] [pcdata "buildd"];
+                     pcdata "]";
+                    ]])
+         ( (fun x -> let x = string_of_status x in td ~a:[a_class [x]] 
[pcdata x]) status))
+      status
+    in
+    let summary = tablex
+      ~thead:(thead (tr (th [pcdata "Source package"]) ( (fun arch -> 
th [pcdata arch]) architectures)) [])
+      (match all_sources with x::xs -> tbody x xs | _ -> invalid_arg "there 
must be at least one package")
+      []
+    in
+    let page_title = "Monitoring OCaml transition to "^ocaml_version in
+    let html = html
+      (head (title (pcdata page_title)) [link ~a:[a_rel [`Stylesheet]; a_href 
(uri_of_string "ocaml-status.css")] ()])
+      (body [h1 [pcdata page_title];
+             div ~a:[a_class ["status"]] [summary]])
+    in
+    with_out_file "ocaml_transition_monitor.html"
+      (fun chan -> output (fun s -> fprintf chan "%s%!" s) html)
+  let _ =
+    let speclist = [
+      "--skip-download", Arg.Set skip_download, "Skip downloading package list 
+      "--quiet", Arg.Set quiet_mode, "Quiet mode";
+    ] in
+    Arg.parse speclist (fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad s)) "Generates 
+    if not !skip_download && not (get_package_lists ()) then failwith "Error 
while downloading lists!";
+    main ()

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