This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

glondu pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ppx-deriving.

commit 730019fc84dc7a417f0c39796d0d68fb8ad8c560
Author: Stephane Glondu <>
Date:   Fri Jul 21 17:35:15 2017 +0200

    New upstream version 4.1
---                          | 10 +++++++++
 opam                                  |  2 +-
 pkg/                          |  8 ++++++-
 src/              | 11 +++++++++-
 src/ppx_deriving.mli                  |  7 ++++++
 src_plugins/  | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 src_plugins/ |  4 ++--
 src_test/    | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src_test/   | 14 ++++++------
 9 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index a74809d..3bba644 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
+  * Fix type error with inheritied polymorphic variant type in
+    [@@deriving map].
+  * Fix incorrect handling of multi-argument constructors in
+    [@@deriving show].
+  * Add API hooks for ppx_type_conv.
@@ -11,6 +20,7 @@ Changelog
   * Add support for loading findlib packages instead of just files in
   * Treat types explicitly qualified with Pervasives also as builtin.
+  * Compatibility with statically linked ppx drivers.
diff --git a/opam b/opam
index bb157ac..d687f07 100644
--- a/opam
+++ b/opam
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 opam-version: "1.2"
 name: "ppx_deriving"
-version: "4.0"
+version: "4.1"
 maintainer: "whitequark <>"
 authors: [ "whitequark <>" ]
 license: "MIT"
diff --git a/pkg/ b/pkg/
index 9af83d8..0296a53 100755
--- a/pkg/
+++ b/pkg/
@@ -7,8 +7,14 @@ let () =
   output_string oc (if Env.native then "<*.ml>: ppx_native" else "<*.ml>: 
   close_out oc
+let quote_parens s =
+  if Sys.win32 then
+    s
+  else
+    "'" ^ s ^ "'"
 let ocamlbuild =
-  "ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -classic-display -plugin-tag 
+  "ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -classic-display -plugin-tag " ^ quote_parens 
 let () =
   Pkg.describe "ppx_deriving" ~builder:(`Other (ocamlbuild, "_build")) [
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4f8e939..63197f7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -34,7 +34,16 @@ type deriver = {
 let registry : (string, deriver) Hashtbl.t
              = Hashtbl.create 16
-let register d = Hashtbl.add registry d
+let hooks = Queue.create ()
+let add_register_hook f = Queue.add f hooks
+let register d =
+  Hashtbl.add registry d;
+  Queue.iter (fun f -> f d) hooks
+let derivers () =
+  Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v acc -> v::acc) registry []
 let lookup name =
   try  Some (Hashtbl.find registry name)
diff --git a/src/ppx_deriving.mli b/src/ppx_deriving.mli
index bde079b..f4d3878 100644
--- a/src/ppx_deriving.mli
+++ b/src/ppx_deriving.mli
@@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ type deriver = {
 (** [register deriver] registers [deriver] according to its [name] field. *)
 val register : deriver -> unit
+(** [add_register_hook hook] adds [hook] to be executed whenever a new deriver
+    is registered. *)
+val add_register_hook : (deriver -> unit) -> unit
+(** [derivers ()] returns all currently registered derivers. *)
+val derivers : unit -> deriver list
 (** Creating {!deriver} structure. *)
 val create :
   string ->
diff --git a/src_plugins/ 
index 3a696ce..24bc446 100644
--- a/src_plugins/
+++ b/src_plugins/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let pattl labels = (fun { pld_name = { txt = n } } 
-> n, pvar (argl n))
 let pconstrrec name fields = pconstr name [precord ~closed:Closed fields]
 let  constrrec name fields =  constr name [ record                fields]
-let rec expr_of_typ typ =
+let rec expr_of_typ ?decl typ =
   let typ = Ppx_deriving.remove_pervasives ~deriver typ in
   match typ with
   | _ when Ppx_deriving.free_vars_in_core_type typ = [] -> [%expr fun x -> x]
@@ -37,24 +37,24 @@ let rec expr_of_typ typ =
     let builtin = not (attr_nobuiltin typ.ptyp_attributes) in
     begin match builtin, typ with
     | true, [%type: [%t? typ] list] ->
-      [%expr [%e expr_of_typ typ]]
+      [%expr [%e expr_of_typ ?decl typ]]
     | true, [%type: [%t? typ] array] ->
-      [%expr [%e expr_of_typ typ]]
+      [%expr [%e expr_of_typ ?decl typ]]
     | true, [%type: [%t? typ] option] ->
-      [%expr function None -> None | Some x -> Some ([%e expr_of_typ typ] x)]
+      [%expr function None -> None | Some x -> Some ([%e expr_of_typ ?decl 
typ] x)]
     | true, [%type: ([%t? ok_t], [%t? err_t]) Result.result] ->
-        | Result.Ok ok -> Result.Ok ([%e expr_of_typ ok_t] ok)
-        | Result.Error err -> Result.Error ([%e expr_of_typ err_t] err)]
+        | Result.Ok ok -> Result.Ok ([%e expr_of_typ ?decl ok_t] ok)
+        | Result.Error err -> Result.Error ([%e expr_of_typ ?decl err_t] err)]
     | _, { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr ({ txt = lid }, args) } ->
       app (Exp.ident (mknoloc (Ppx_deriving.mangle_lid (`Prefix deriver) lid)))
-          ( expr_of_typ args)
+          ( (expr_of_typ ?decl) args)
     | _ -> assert false
   | { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple typs } ->
     [%expr fun [%p ptuple (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) typs)] ->
-      [%e tuple (List.mapi (fun i typ -> app (expr_of_typ typ) [evar (argn 
i)]) typs)]];
+      [%e tuple (List.mapi (fun i typ -> app (expr_of_typ ?decl typ) [evar 
(argn i)]) typs)]];
   | { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (fields, _, _); ptyp_loc } ->
     let cases =
       fields |> (fun field ->
@@ -63,10 +63,15 @@ let rec expr_of_typ typ =
  (Pat.variant label None) (Exp.variant label None)
         | Rtag (label, _, false, [typ]) ->
  (Pat.variant label (Some [%pat? x]))
-                   (Exp.variant label (Some [%expr [%e expr_of_typ typ] x]))
-        | Rinherit ({ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (tname, _) } as typ) ->
- [%pat? [%p Pat.type_ tname] as x]
-                   [%expr [%e expr_of_typ typ] x]
+                   (Exp.variant label (Some [%expr [%e expr_of_typ ?decl typ] 
+        | Rinherit ({ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (tname, _) } as typ) -> begin
+          match decl with
+          | None -> 
+            raise_errorf "inheritance of polymorphic variants not supported"
+          | Some(d) ->
+   [%pat? [%p Pat.type_ tname] as x]
+                     [%expr ([%e expr_of_typ ?decl typ] x :> [%t 
Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d])]
+          end
         | _ ->
           raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc "%s cannot be derived for %s"
                        deriver (Ppx_deriving.string_of_core_type typ))
@@ -74,7 +79,7 @@ let rec expr_of_typ typ =
     Exp.function_ cases
   | { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_var name } -> evar ("poly_"^name)
   | { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_alias (typ, name) } ->
-    [%expr fun x -> [%e evar ("poly_"^name)] ([%e expr_of_typ typ] x)]
+    [%expr fun x -> [%e evar ("poly_"^name)] ([%e expr_of_typ ?decl typ] x)]
   | { ptyp_loc } ->
     raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc "%s cannot be derived for %s"
                  deriver (Ppx_deriving.string_of_core_type typ)
@@ -83,19 +88,19 @@ let str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as 
type_decl) =
   parse_options options;
   let mapper =
     match type_decl.ptype_kind, type_decl.ptype_manifest with
-    | Ptype_abstract, Some manifest -> expr_of_typ manifest
+    | Ptype_abstract, Some manifest -> expr_of_typ ~decl:type_decl manifest
     | Ptype_variant constrs, _ ->
       constrs |> (fun { pcd_name = { txt = name' }; pcd_args } ->
         match pcd_args with
         | Pcstr_tuple(typs) ->
-          let args = List.mapi (fun i typ -> app (expr_of_typ typ) [evar (argn 
i)]) typs in
+          let args = List.mapi (fun i typ -> app (expr_of_typ ~decl:type_decl 
typ) [evar (argn i)]) typs in
  (pconstr name' (pattn typs))
                    (constr name' args)
 #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
         | Pcstr_record(labels) ->
           let args = labels |> (fun { pld_name = { txt = n }; 
pld_type = typ } ->
-                        n, [%expr [%e expr_of_typ typ] [%e evar (argl n)]]) in
+                        n, [%expr [%e expr_of_typ ~decl:type_decl typ] [%e 
evar (argl n)]]) in
  (pconstrrec name' (pattl labels))
                    (constrrec name' args)
@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@ let str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as 
type_decl) =
     | Ptype_record labels, _ ->
       let fields =
         labels |> List.mapi (fun i { pld_name = { txt = name }; pld_type } ->
-          name, [%expr [%e expr_of_typ pld_type]
+          name, [%expr [%e expr_of_typ ~decl:type_decl pld_type]
                        [%e Exp.field (evar "x") (mknoloc (Lident name))]])
       [%expr fun x -> [%e record fields]]
@@ -129,7 +134,7 @@ let sig_of_type ~options ~path type_decl =
 let () =
   Ppx_deriving.(register (create deriver
-    ~core_type: expr_of_typ
+    ~core_type: (expr_of_typ ?decl:None)
     ~type_decl_str: (fun ~options ~path type_decls ->
       [Str.value Recursive (List.concat ( (str_of_type ~options ~path) 
     ~type_decl_sig: (fun ~options ~path type_decls ->
diff --git a/src_plugins/ 
index 55925cc..17642b9 100644
--- a/src_plugins/
+++ b/src_plugins/
@@ -229,10 +229,10 @@ let str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as 
type_decl) =
                   Format.fprintf fmt "@])"]
               | args ->
-                  Format.fprintf fmt [%e str ("@[<2>" ^  constr_name ^ " 
+                  Format.fprintf fmt [%e str ("(@[<2>" ^  constr_name ^ " 
                   [%e args |> Ppx_deriving.(fold_exprs
                         (seq_reduce ~sep:[%expr Format.fprintf fmt ",@ "]))];
-                  Format.fprintf fmt "@,)@]"]
+                  Format.fprintf fmt "@,))@]"]
    (pconstr name' (pattn typs)) printer
 #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
diff --git a/src_test/ 
index d6f7e9f..6408d63 100644
--- a/src_test/
+++ b/src_test/
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ module T : sig
   type ('a,'b) record3 = { a3 : 'a; b3 : bool; c3 : 'b } [@@deriving map,show]
+  type ('a,'b) pvar0 = [ `A of 'a | `B of ('a,'b) pvar0 | `C of 'b ] 
[@@deriving map,show]
+  type ('a,'b,'c) pvar1 = [ ('a,'b) pvar0 | `D of 'c | `E of ('b,'c) pvar0 ] 
[@@deriving map,show]
+  type pvar2 = [ `F | `G ] [@@deriving map,show]
+  type ('a,'b,'c) pvar3 = [ pvar2 | ('a,'b,'c) pvar1 ] [@@deriving map,show]
 end = struct
   type 'a btree = Node of 'a btree * 'a * 'a btree | Leaf
@@ -57,6 +62,11 @@ end = struct
   type ('a,'b) record3 = { a3 : 'a; b3 : bool; c3 : 'b } [@@deriving map,show]
+  type ('a,'b) pvar0 = [ `A of 'a | `B of ('a,'b) pvar0 | `C of 'b ] 
[@@deriving map,show]
+  type ('a,'b,'c) pvar1 = [ ('a,'b) pvar0 | `D of 'c | `E of ('b,'c) pvar0 ] 
[@@deriving map,show]
+  type pvar2 = [ `F | `G ] [@@deriving map,show]
+  type ('a,'b,'c) pvar3 = [ pvar2 | ('a,'b,'c) pvar1 ] [@@deriving map,show]
 open T
@@ -118,6 +128,19 @@ let test_record3 ctxt =
   assert_equal ~printer:(show_record3 fmt_int fmt_flt)
     {a3=97;b3=false;c3=4.} (map_record3 Char.code float_of_int 
+let test_pvar3 ctxt = 
+  let show,map = show_pvar3 fmt_str fmt_int fmt_int, 
+                 map_pvar3 string_of_int Char.code int_of_string
+  in
+  assert_equal ~printer:show (`A "1") (map (`A 1));
+  assert_equal ~printer:show (`B (`A "1")) (map (`B (`A 1)));
+  assert_equal ~printer:show (`B (`C 97)) (map (`B (`C 'a')));
+  assert_equal ~printer:show (`D 1) (map (`D "1"));
+  assert_equal ~printer:show (`E (`A 97)) (map (`E (`A 'a')));
+  assert_equal ~printer:show (`E (`C 9)) (map (`E (`C "9")));
+  assert_equal ~printer:show `F (map `F);
+  assert_equal ~printer:show `G (map `G)
 type 'a result0 = ('a, bool) Result.result [@@deriving show, map]
 let test_map_result ctxt =
@@ -136,6 +159,7 @@ let suite = "Test deriving(map)" >::: [
     "test_record1" >:: test_record1;
     "test_record2" >:: test_record2;
     "test_record3" >:: test_record3;
+    "test_pvar3" >:: test_pvar3;
     "test_map_result" >:: test_map_result
diff --git a/src_test/ 
index da2fd10..c5c2873 100644
--- a/src_test/
+++ b/src_test/
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ let test_alias ctxt =
 type v = Foo | Bar of int * string | Baz of string [@@deriving show]
 let test_variant ctxt =
-  assert_equal ~printer "Test_deriving_show.Foo"              (show_v Foo);
-  assert_equal ~printer "Test_deriving_show.Bar (1, \"foo\")" (show_v (Bar (1, 
-  assert_equal ~printer "(Test_deriving_show.Baz \"foo\")"    (show_v (Baz 
+  assert_equal ~printer "Test_deriving_show.Foo"                (show_v Foo);
+  assert_equal ~printer "(Test_deriving_show.Bar (1, \"foo\"))" (show_v (Bar 
(1, "foo")));
+  assert_equal ~printer "(Test_deriving_show.Baz \"foo\")"      (show_v (Baz 
 #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
 type rv = RFoo | RBar of { x: int; y: string } | RBaz of { z: string } 
[@@deriving show]
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ let print_hi = fun fmt _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "hi!"
 type polypr = (string [@printer print_hi]) btree [@polyprinter pp_btree]
 [@@deriving show]
 let test_polypr ctxt =
-  assert_equal ~printer "Test_deriving_show.Node (Test_deriving_show.Leaf, 
-                        \  Test_deriving_show.Leaf)"
+  assert_equal ~printer "(Test_deriving_show.Node (Test_deriving_show.Leaf, 
+                        \   Test_deriving_show.Leaf))"
                         (show_polypr (Node (Leaf, "x", Leaf)))
 let test_placeholder ctxt =
@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ let test_std_shadowing ctxt =
   let e1 = ESBool (Bfoo (1, (+) 1)) in
   let e2 = ESString (Sfoo ("lalala", (+) 3)) in
   assert_equal ~printer
-    "(Test_deriving_show.ESBool Test_deriving_show.Bfoo (1, <fun>))"
+    "(Test_deriving_show.ESBool (Test_deriving_show.Bfoo (1, <fun>)))"
     (show_es e1);
   assert_equal ~printer
-    "(Test_deriving_show.ESString Test_deriving_show.Sfoo (\"lalala\", <fun>))"
+    "(Test_deriving_show.ESString (Test_deriving_show.Sfoo (\"lalala\", 
     (show_es e2)
 type poly_app = float poly_abs

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