> I've merged in #756860 (X-fi USB not working on ARM) as the symptoms
> look exactly like those on my Intel-based laptop in this bug #704305
> Just upgraded the laptop to jessie and the problems are still there
> using this device.

Changing the resample method from speex-float to speex-fixed resolved this 
for me 

In Jessie, speex-fixed is the default resampler on ARM, so for me, pulseaudio 
now works in its default configuration and from my point of view, this bug 
(#756850) can be closed.

I don't think that #756850 and #704305 are the same bug. Actually, I'm also 
seeing the "usb_set_interface failed" message from time to time. When this 
happens, pulseaudio falls back to the dummy output. If I remember correctly, 
this happend even before I installed pulseaudio, so #704305 may actually be a 
kernel bug.

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