This happens here too on buster, I cannot install any vagrant plugin. Running 'vagrant install <someplugin>' reports vagrant-libvirt at 0.0.41, this is what occurs in the original bug report, too.
>  vagrant-libvirt (> 0), 0.0.41 activated

However, listing the plugins, the correct version 0.0.43 (from 0.0.43-2) is shown.

  $ vagrant plugin list
  vagrant-libvirt (0.0.43, system)

  $ dpkg -s vagrant-libvirt | grep ^Version
  Version: 0.0.43-2

I have no plugins manually installed at all right now as I thought throwing away all my local caches might fix things, because I recently upgraded from stretch and hadn't tried to use vagrant since then.

I also purged and reinstalled vagrant and all auto-removable dependencies, to no avail.

Best regards,

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