On Sat, 25 Dec 2010 21:53:40 +0100 Julien Cristau wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 17:16:46 +0000, Chris Butler wrote:
> > If it's any use, I ran a quick "git bisect" on the upstream source,
> > and discovered the commit which seems to have fixed the problem:
> > 
> > https://github.com/flori/json/commit/dd06e48aa414674f52e81f9cdc7836b6456c04f8
> > 
> > However, this doesn't apply cleanly to v1.1.9, as it seems the code
> > is now using a different string buffer implementation for its
> > result. I've not looked much further to see how easy it would be to
> > backport the change (it may not be too difficult if the two string
> > buffer implementations have similar APIs).
> > 
> Is there any chance you could do that? :)

Bearing in mind Chris' previous comment:

"If the above is not possible, I return to my previous suggestion of
removing ohai & chef from squeeze. Once wheezy is up and running, there
should be no problem getting the new libjson-ruby package in. There's
always the option of providing packages via backports.debian.org once
squeeze is released."

Personally, I'd say it's time for a pair of RM bugs to be filed at
release.debian.org to remove ohai and chef from Squeeze. This bug
doesn't warrant blocking Squeeze.

I'll file those two tomorrow unless someone comes up with a patch for
ohai (or the release team decide to add the hints anyway).


Neil Williams

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