
‎I did a few little bug fixes, mostly in the cursors KCM
‎In bigger changes, my patch supporting shadows in KWindowSystem is nearly done ‎That reminds me. I had a tiny compositor written in kwayland that used to recreate the firefox issue
‎Firefox now works there !
‎...but still fails in kwin
‎so it seems something in FF has been fixed accidentally - but we now still need to revisit everything on the kwin side


* Fixed a bug in PageRow whenre replacing the first page didn't work and just gave an empty window
* Merged Collapsible drawer items branch
* started a partial reimplementation of PageRow in C++ (to optimize memory consumption and fix some bugs that are tricky with qml-only, as well as features
* fixed paddings in SwipeListItem
* continued patches for wayland virtual desktops rows, accepted and landed


Decided to move pushing my Xwl DND patches to next week to wait for after Frameworks release.
Have patches for improved Wayland backend on phab: D18465
Diff 18465 "[platforms/wayland] Multi output support" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D18465
Patch for Xwl Multi DPI: D18486
Diff 18486 "[RFC] XWayland Multi DPI support" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D18486 some other patches are on review which I will push in the coming two weeks. Currently looking into xdg-output support to Weston.
which might come in handy for testing multi dpi.


- Preparing qt5.12 in neon, landing tomorrow at best
- Preparing for PlaMo sprint
- Rebased dmabuf patches to recent master for testing by community member on Librem 5 devkit


I cleaned up the libtm code on master to use the new rows API in the PVD Wayland protocol and dropped the D-Bus codepath again I'm looking into some Folder View model bugs now, hoping I find the time to get fixes in before 5.15 is tagged My new laptop has a decent nVidia DGPU. I tried testing nVidia's eglstreams backend patch (D18570) just before the meeting, but kwin is crashing during the splash screen. I'll debug

Next meeting todos: Schedule 5.16 kickoff; put dmabuf patches into 5.16 task list

‎[20:07] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ I'll do notes
‎[20:07] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ d_ed: gogogo
‎[20:08] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ I did a few little bug fixes, mostly in the cursors KCM
‎[20:08] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ In bigger changes, my patch supporting shadows in KWindowSystem is nearly done
‎[20:08] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ supporting shadows in kws?
‎[20:09] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ sounds interesting, what does it entail :)
‎[20:09] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ effectively moving the code from Plasma::DialogShadows and Breeze::ShadowHelper / Oxygen::ShadowHelper into KWS
‎[20:09] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ neat
‎[20:09] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ main reason is that it's plugin based which is a pre-requisite for some changes Martin is doing in kwin with the internal windows
‎[20:09] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ KWS?
‎[20:10] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ KWindowSystem
‎[20:10] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ah, kwindowsystem
‎[20:10] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ neat :)
‎[20:10] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ d_ed: did the Fedora-defaulting-to-Firefox-Wayland news stir up anything, e.g. Firefox fixing anything or someone reaching out to you?
‎[20:10] ‎* ‎bshah‎‎ around
‎[20:10] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ Sho_: That reminds me. I had a tiny compositor written in kwayland that used to recreate the firefox issue
‎[20:10] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ Firefox now works there !
‎[20:10] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ ...but still fails in kwin
‎[20:11] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Interesting
‎[20:11] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ duh
‎[20:11] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ so it seems something in FF has been fixed accidentally - but we now still need to revisit everything on the kwin side
‎[20:11] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ :) at least it looks like it's something under our control then
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ getting a wayland-native browser will be great ...
‎[20:12] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ yeah definitely
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ got anything else, or should we move on to notmart?
‎[20:12] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ lets move on
‎[20:12] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ok
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ notmart: gogogo
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ this meeting directive not sponsored by Google Go
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ Kirigami
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * Fixed a bug in PageRow whenre replacing the first page didn't work and just gave an empty window
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * Merged Collapsible drawer items branch
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * started a partial reimplementation of PageRow in C++ (to optimize memory consumption and fix some bugs that are tricky with qml-only, as well as features
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * fixed paddings in SwipeListItem
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ KWin
‎[20:13] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * continued patches for wayland virtual desktops rows, accepted and landed
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ romangg would be next, if you're done
‎[20:15] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ yes
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ romangg: gogogo
‎[20:15] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ Decided to move pushing my Xwl DND patches to next week to wait for after Frameworks release.
‎[20:16] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ Have patches for improved Wayland backend on phab: D18465
‎[20:16] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 18465 "[platforms/wayland] Multi output support" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D18465
‎[20:16] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ Patch for Xwl Multi DPI: D18486
‎[20:16] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 18486 "[RFC] XWayland Multi DPI support" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D18486
‎[20:17] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ some other patches are on review which I will push in the coming two weeks. Currently looking into xdg-output support to Weston.
‎[20:17] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ which might come in handy for testing multi dpi.
‎[20:17] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ any questions?
‎[20:17] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ basic question, but multi-output in what sense?
‎[20:18] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ so you can do multi outputs in windowed kwin_wayland?
‎[20:18] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ yes
‎[20:18] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ that's terribly neat
‎[20:18] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ yea, would be nice for testing.
‎[20:18] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ RE: 18486 can you split out the rendering smoothing changes
‎[20:19] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ as they should be relevant without xwl
‎[20:19] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ Sho_: you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYItn1jvkbI
‎[20:19] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ d_ed: Yea, I'm just not sure if it's the right solution.
‎[20:20] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ romangg: I actually saw the video, but didn't follow the implication :-)
‎[20:20] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ d_ed: maybe you can give your imponion to https://phabricator.kde.org/D18486#inline-102319
‎[20:20] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 18486 "[RFC] XWayland Multi DPI support" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D18486
‎[20:20] ‎<‎d_ed‎>‎ romangg: I want to test with the fractional scaling
‎[20:20] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ *imponion == opinion :D
‎[20:20] <-- DavidRedondo (~davidredo@ has left this server (Quit: Leaving).
‎[20:20] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ r/nottheonion
‎[20:21] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ d_ed: yea, would be good thing to test.
‎[20:21] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ I didn't yet.
‎[20:21] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ Any other questions? otherwise next
‎[20:21] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ bshah: gogogo
‎[20:22] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - Preparing qt5.12 in neon, landing tomorrow at best
‎[20:22] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - Preparing for PlaMo sprint
‎[20:22] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - Rebased dmabuf patches to recent master for testing by community member on Librem 5 devkit
‎[20:23] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ done :)
‎[20:23] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ That said
‎[20:23] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ What's blocking dmabuf patches?
‎[20:23] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ it's fairly disappointing that code is on phab from ~1 year
‎[20:23] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Indeed, and I think there was even some follow-up protocol work in the Wayland community we may now be backlogged on due to it, if my vague recollections are right
‎[20:24] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Let's make sure it's on the 5.16 task board when we do the 5.16 kickoff
‎[20:24] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ which I'm guessing we'll discuss the scheduling of next Monday, and do after FOSDEM and PlaMo sprint
‎[20:26] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ d_ed, romangg: you got something for bshah on this? otherwise it's my turn
‎[20:26] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ oh, and I forgot to poke zzag, you got anything for the meeting?
‎[20:27] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ alright, my turn then
‎[20:28] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ I had an in-person eV board meeting, installed my new laptop and had some company meetings, so I didn't have that much time for Plasma
‎[20:28] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ I cleaned up the libtm code on master to use the new rows API in the PVD Wayland protocol and dropped the D-Bus codepath again
‎[20:28] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ I'm looking into some Folder View model bugs now, hoping I find the time to get fixes in before 5.15 is tagged
‎[20:28] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ My new laptop has a decent nVidia DGPU. I tried testing nVidia's eglstreams backend patch (D18570) just before the meeting, but kwin is crashing during the splash screen. I'll debug
‎[20:28] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 18570 "EGLStream DRM Backend Initial Implementation" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D18570
‎[20:28] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Additionally, kwin_wayland doesn't work in windowed mode on nVidia EGL due to the driver not having GL_OES_EGL_image
‎[20:29] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ that's it
‎[20:29] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ bshah: do you want to do the notes to your standards or should I?
‎[20:29] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ feel free to.. I am swamped
‎[20:29] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ sorry :/
‎[20:30] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ np
‎[20:31] ‎<‎frinring‎>‎ anyone who could be caught now who can tell what to expect from/do about using opengl in plasma widgets & wallpaper, when it comes to settings like version & Co?  :)
‎[20:36] <-- Lord_of_Life (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362) has left this server (Ping timeout: 244 seconds).
‎[20:38] --> Lord_of_Life (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362) has joined this channel.
‎[20:40] ‎<‎frinring‎>‎ darn, that silence translates into "nobody". I feel so lonely in this unknown confusing territory... time for some mantras about having a brave heart...
‎[20:44] ‎* ‎frinring‎‎ makes a plan to do some blinking demo stuff to create some attractors to this valley, so hopefully some other people will come over and help to make this an explored & lively place
‎[20:46] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ frinring: I didn't answer because I honestly didn't understand the question

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