What I did:
 * Updated touch / input patches: D15464 D15595
> Diff 15464 "[server] Touch drag support" [Accepted] 
> Diff 15595 "Rework InputDeviceHandler focus tracking" [Needs Review] 
 * text-input v3 in KWayland: D16735
> Diff 16735 "Implement text_input_unstable_v3" [Needs Review] 
 * Abstract output work: D16785 ff
> Diff 16785 "Handle Wayland change sets in AbstractOutput" [Accepted] 
 * Seg fault on no display connect (might need additional work): D16791
> Diff 16791 "[drm] On update always emit screensQueried" [Accepted] 
 What I want to do now:
 * More abstract output work
 * Look into scaling problems with multi monitor
 I have several patches (series) to review.
 I want to move forward.
 I.e. get merged the input rework/touch stuff this week.
 Next week Xwayland DND.

 * Reviewed quite a few patches;
 * Just submitted a patch to split the fade effect;
 * KWin no longer crashes when sliding virtual desktops while some
popup(e.g. Kickoff) is still sliding in.
 * Investigate why kwin_wayland crashes when one uses "Resize" user action;
 * Add multisampling support;
 * Investigate why in some cases we're re-inserting deleted
clients(e.g. Client) back into the unconstrained stacking order.
 Under review/Waiting for review:
 * Introduce redirect modes to TimeLine;
 * Add redirect() to scripted effects API;
 * "Fix" lowerClient/raiseClient for group transients.

 - Had been doing smoke testing of PlaMo
 - Fix packaging bug in kscreen which made powerdevil crash continuously
 - Disable desktop specific window switcher on left edge swipe, which
conflicted with kirigami drawer most of the time
 - Add torch toggle in the quick settings top drawer
 - Fix screenshot effect on Plasma Mobile so we can have screenshots
again (no more photos of mobile! real screenshots!)
 - Merge new camera app kirigami rewrite by jbb
 - Fix flatpak applications on PlasmaMobile
 - Had been live-tooting progress over weekend:
 - Important: We are thinking of organizing PlaMo sprint after FOSDEM: signup!!
> Task 9729 "Sprint for Plasma Mobile " [Open,Normal] {Plasma: Mobile} 

 * I've got 3 patches merged into Qt5.13...not bad given 5.12 isn't out yet
 * One allowing using QDBusServiceWatcher with wildcards from ages ago
 * And a tooltip positioning bug on wayland
 * I've had to do a bunch of fixes wrt virtual desktops.
 * I'm not quite sure what I'm on this week, priority is getting
through all the review queues

 * didn't do much plasma related as i was travelling last week
 * OverlaySheet in Kirigami never gets 100% of the parent now
 * virtual desktops part in kwayland and kwin are merged
 this week so far
 * Kirigami: possibility to have global headers/menubars in
ApplicationWindow at the same time as a Sidebar Drawer

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