On Monday 05 May 2014 13:10:44 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>   - Discovered problems in Kwin and Plasma localization (to be discussed on
> mailinglist)

ok, so with frameworks i18n changed a bit. I highly recommend to read the 
documentation in [1].

Things to be done are:
* set KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain [2] in the application, never in 
* for libraries (this includes plugins!) set in CMakeLists.txt:
   for an example see [3]
* for ui files one needs to use ki18n_wrap_ui - for an example also see [3]
* ensure that every component has Messages.sh

Things I do not know yet:
* how to handle qml, this also needs the translation domain, but no idea how 
to set it.
* how to handle ui files which are loaded at runtime
* how to test an application with translations

After adjusting KWin I have a bad feeling that we have to audit all components 
for i18n usage. Everything will need adjustments, especially the plugins. 
Though this should be said: it's way simpler and more intuitive than it used 
to be in kde4.


[3] http://commits.kde.org/kwin/1c2f27945c8c50612a75cec6cb773a710b6fad15

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