On 21/03/2020 22:38, Ben Cooksley wrote:
On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 3:08 AM David Edmundson
<da...@davidedmundson.co.uk> wrote:

You're absolutely right that mistakes were made and have reason to be

kde-gtk-config is now maintained by new developers.
Plasma has a new influx of new people which is good to see and
something we need to foster carefully.

Overall these new devs are doing a super job and we want to encourage them.

Ultimately there are two parties at fault:
  - brand new developers who didn't know the rules. KDE has a lot of
rules and they're certainly not all written down in a consistent

  - the more "senior" Plasma people (me, Kai, Aleix, etc) who do know
the rules, not paying due attention to something that's now under
Plasma's umbrella

which means that the repository is no longer eligible to form
part of a KDE release module and should be moved to Playground

I think this is an overreaction that punishes the wrong people. Users.

The reaction is intended to force the hand of Plasma as a collective
group to pay attention to the notifications from the CI system - which
it delivers to the plasma-devel mailing list.
I know that some people do pay attention to these, but it is evident
that others do not or have active filtering in place to ensure they
don't see them.

The traffic of CI mail can be a bit daunting, and failure mails could simply go unnoticed, so I suggest some "reverse filtering", i.e. I've just created a filter in Thunderbird:
From: CI System <nore...@kde.org>
X-Jenkins-Results: FAILURE

(in TBird you can create customise message headers and add a new one).

I don't care as much about success reports, (and I haven't yet dug in the mails to create a filter to cull mails about successful builds that have some unit tests failure).

I suggest that if you commit regulary to a KDE repo to make a habit of checking the results of the unit tests on the CI every now and then (jenkins has a nice web interface). Unit tests could pass locally and fail on the CI for some reason.


My, beginner-dev, 2 p's,

Ahmad Samir

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