On 5/29/15 4:55 AM, Eric Bréhault wrote:
Hello people,

I am trying to finish the TTW member schema editing PLIP (https://dev.plone.org/ticket/13350) for Plone 5. I think it is a very useful feature, but there are still some issues to fix (see https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/labels/PLIP%2013350%3A%20Edit%20Member%20Schema%20TTW), so I would need a little help.

One of them is about the template (we want to display the schemaeditor into the regular Plone control panel template, for UI consistency reasons) https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/516

I am pretty sure it is easy to fix (probably something like one or two zcml lines), and I saw it has been done successfully in plone.app.dexterity, but I am lost, I just cannot find a way to tell plone.z3cform to use a specific template for plone.schemeditor.

Does anyone know how to do it?

SchemaListing only renders the actual listing of fields; you can include it from your own view that renders the entire page, which is what plone.app.dexterity does.
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