I'm skipping ahead a bit to address the API concerns below.  Alan -
sorry for skipping over your reply for the moment.  I'll get to your
longer questions as soon as I'm able.

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Andrew Ross
<andrewr...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Alan,
> I think I broadly agree with all your comments below. My only concern with the
> plcolorbar API is that it has now become a monstorous beast. It is certainly
> the most complicated API call in plplot. Much of this functionality won't be
> needed by most users. I wonder if there is a better way to pack all these
> options into structure to prevent cluttering code for the majority of cases.
> This might be tricky to port to some languages which don't have such concepts.

I agree with your assessment.  I hate to say it but both plcolorbar
and pllegend are bordering on unusable at this point in their raw C
form given the staggering number of arguments required.  I think that
all of these arguments are useful but the quantity is troublesome.

I got a mixed reaction from the developers when I presented the idea
of creating a more 'modern' API structure for PLplot.  Andrew, your
suggestion here runs along those lines.  I would like to break up
these functions to take a struct or several as a means of simplifying
their API.  For example, information for each axis could be provided
as a single value.  An axis structure value could be created with a
helper function.  This same function could potentially be used to
create axis definitions for any plot.

If I'm going to take this approach - which again, I'd really like to
do! - then I would also like this to be part of a general move toward
this kind of API throughout PLplot.  Otherwise these very useful
functions would stick out strangely from everything else.

All that said, this is probably post-5.10.0 work.  For 5.10.0 I'd like
to stick with the current large number of arguments approach.  The new
API structure would probably have a new naming scheme anyway.  Maybe
pl_* or plplot_*.

> I agree const arguments for the string pointers would be wise.

There was a reason I didn't go that route for the string arguments
initially but I don't remember what it was.  If it doesn't break code
then I'm fine with the change.


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