I was examing the Plucker databases in FileZ and noticed that they all have the type ID 'Data'. That seems like a very generic type ID, especially since lots of applications use 'Data' for their internal databases. A more distinctive file type would be very helpful. I tend to think of the type ID as being as lot like a file extension. Using a generic extension like .dat makes it harder for file managers and other applications to recognize the Plucker format.

This could be important when other applications start reading the Plucker format.

I would suggest 'Plkr' for the type. The big problem would be the transition. Changing the current code to recognize and generate the new type is easy. The problem is that old versions wouldn't recognize the new type ID. I guess the right time to do it is when there is an incompatible change in the file format that only new versions of the viewer can read.

- Ian


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