Mike has made 1.7.2 packages, and I have just put them up for
grabs via BitTorrent. This preliminary email is to alert the seeds that
there is a new release coming... 1.7.2, and that you'll need to grab these
updates and mirror them as well.

        I have seeded the packages, and you can grab them by fetching the
zip-o-torrents file[1] from the primary Plucker server, unpack it, and run
your favorite BitTorrent client across it. The easiest way to do this, is
to use btlaunchmanycurses.py or similar, across the latest releases in the
zipfile. You don't have to seed ALL of them, but the last few releases is
a good start (1.6.2, 1.7.1, 1.7.2 + Plucker Desktop of course).

        If you wish to put these files up for http download, instead of
keeping your BitTorrent client open as a public seed, please fetch all of
the files with BitTorrent, and then contact me directly with the URL/ftp
location of the full files for download, and I will make them available
from the main website for the rest of the users.

        For those who believe that using BitTorrent somehow opens their
system to exploits from other systems, it doesn't. You aren't running a
server, you are simply a seed to the main server. There is no way that
someone can fish around and download any other files from your system,
other than the one(s) specified by the main Plucker server, since *IT* is
the one telling incoming users what files it can have, and where the
pieces of those files are located. BitTorrent is not a security risk in
any way, as configured. If it were, you can be certain I wouldn't be
running it, and I run a pretty tight ship.

        If you want to become an rsync mirror, that is also an option. I
have an anonymous rsync server set up for specific users who are fetching
the latest stable and unstable releases over rsync. If you want to mirror
that way, email me directly with your IP and your rsync frequency, and I
will drop you into the ACL for that.

        Once we have the mirrors seeded, I will make the announcement on
the public website, and open it up to general public for downloads. During
release times, we regularly peak around 10gb/day from the main Plucker
server. Mirrors and other external servers/seeds will see a portion of
that, depending on how many users we have downloading.

        Thanks again to everyone who is helping to mirror these files.

[1] Zip-o-Torrents: http://downloads.plkr.org/plkr.org.torrents.zip

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