I've implemented my suggestion, except that instead of keeping the data in
a separate meta-record, I add it to the session data.  This is not
illogical: It IS history data, namely data about how things were last
displayed.  And I kept the ExtentX/ExtentY data in the metarecords.  I had
a technical reason for this, but I can't remember it (embarrassing!)  
Anyway, I'll be testing the resulting version over a day or so.  And then
I need to know if there would be objections to my committing it.  I will
try to maintain backwards compatibility.

It seems a quite handy feature to be able to have different fonts for
different docs.

I also need help.  I am adding two options to the font prefs form.  The
first allows for setting different fonts for different documents.  I am
thinking of calling it "Per document settings", or "Vary between
documents", or "This document only".  (Default off.)  Then I need a second
box which also makes these same fonts be the default ones for new
documents.  I am thinking of "Set as default", "Also as default", "Also
for new documents" (too long for form), etc.  I need help: What shall I
call the options?

Finally, a query.  When designing forms, how much variety of system fonts
should one allow for?  People use fonthack, various localization software,
Fonts4NX, etc.  How much extra room should one leave on forms in case
people change their system fonts in this way to something with wider


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss  || e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Philosophy Department   || online papers and home page:
Georgetown University   ||  www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ap85
Washington, DC 20057    ||
U.S.A.                  ||
   "Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur."
       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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