It looks like it's even easier than I thought, since the
get_documents() method tells one how many fragments there are, so I can
just assign UIDs in correct order with no spacing between them.    This is
a nice and neat solution.  I am going to be testing this for a couple of
days, but I would really appreciate it if someone were to have a look over
the code.  I am fairly confident the code is safe: the code that actually
assigns the ids is quite tolerant of stuff otuside it, and is very
self-contained, so that the worst that a bug could mean, I think, is that
the right order would not be kept, which is no worse than what happens
now.  (I don't mean that the records would not be in ascending UID
order: that is guaranteed, too.)

I am thinking it really shouldn't be that hard to store the time-fetched
in the PluckerDoc instances and use that for sorting if one wants to sort
by the order fetched rather than alphabetically.  

Dr. Alexander R. Pruss  || e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Philosophy Department   || online papers and home page:
Georgetown University   ||
Washington, DC 20057    ||
U.S.A.                  ||
   "Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur."
       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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