Hi all,

I've set the gnome preferred terminal to xfce4-terminal.  I've also
bound it to a key sequence (actually, a keystroke, the windows key)
so that it's easy to open a new terminal.

I have just one problem though.  Very often (although never when there 
are no other open windows) when I press the windows key, the 
terminal will open, but it won't come to the foreground (I just started
the terminal program with an explicit keystroke, I always want it to
come to the foreground).  It sits on the task bar, gently pulsing/glowing.

Is there a command line parameter (or xfce4-terminal setting) I can
give so that it always comes to the foreground when invoked?  Is
there a general X windows parameter that will force any X program
to the foreground when invoked?  

I could switch to gnome-terminal I guess (I like having multiple terminals,
no tabs and no menubar), I'd like to stick with xfce4 though, since it's
smaller but is more convenient than, e.g., rxvt or xvt :-).  I just tried
out gnome-terminal.  It doesn't have the slowly glowing on the taskbar
behavior, so that's my backup solution, if no other solution comes
up here.


Gerald Timothy Quimpo   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://bopolissimus*blogspot*com http://monotrematica*blogspot*com
  Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Gerald Timothy Quimpo   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://bopolissimus*blogspot*com http://monotrematica*blogspot*com
  Simplicity -- Design for simplicity; add complexity only where you 
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