I just wanted to let PLUG subscriber know that the Open Source Bridge 
last week was awesome and highly recommend. Many sessions covering many 
day including an ad hoc Friday set. The food my the best of any 
conference and drew from Portland food carts/caterers. The price was 
right at $300 for all four days including the food and 8 hours of 
volunteer work got your in for free. For the next 30 days you can sign 
up for next year for only $150.

The most surprising thing to me was how nice, friendly and helpful 
everyone was. I hadn't put together that people interested in open 
source would understand and embody the principles that by working 
together we can build and fix the things we need an make a better world. 
At some point here will be videos of all the main session available on 
the Open Source Bridge 
<http://opensourcebridge.org/events/2013/schedule> site.

Alan Niven
PLUG mailing list

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