I need to set up a web page that launches Windows Explorer on the Windows client and on the server side I need the file name of the file that is selected. Between a Raspbian Stretch Linux Pi 3 Model B running Apache and a Windows client running some form of Windows is a network share, a CIFS share. Both the Windows client and the Pi are connected to that share. All the Linux Pi needs to know is which file it should copy off of that share and it needs to remember which file is being worked with. An up to date copy until the working file is a different file needs to be maintained on the Pi. If the file changes on the network share, it changes on the Pi. I'm thinking Javascript running on the Windows client can launch Windows explorer to have the user supply a file and copy that file to the relevant shared mount. The other part is getting the name of that file to the web server and then to a separate program perhaps that handles synchronizing the local copy with the remote copy on the share.

I don't know Javascript unfortunately nor do I know any other client side scripting language that complements HTML4.
Notice I said HTML4 because HTML5 is still fairly new.

Any help is very much appreciated.

Linux/Windows integration is icky, but I have no choice concerning what is used client side. Bonus points for solutions
that are Linux/Mac OSX/etcetera friendly.

Michael Robinson
PLUG mailing list

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