On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Dave Smith <d...@thesmithfam.org> wrote:
> I'm creating a very simple web application, and I want to use python. My 
> first guess was that mod_python would provide the easiest entry point. Boy, 
> was I wrong. All the mod_python tutorials spend 80% of their time extolling 
> the virtues of mod_python over CGI, but they are quite lean on specific 
> examples. It's quite disappointing. A natural progression then leads me to 
> mod_wsgi, and since that has equally poor documentation, to Django. However, 
> Django is overkill for my app (I don't even have a database).

For something as simple as you have described, and to run on an
embedded platform, I would probably stay away from frameworks designed
to run on full hardware, and go with something more minimalistic.

Take a look at CherryPy [1] or web.py [2].

[1] http://www.cherrypy.org/
[2] http://webpy.org/

Roberto Mello

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