On 11/11/06, Aditya Laghate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would like to attend, but can decide only once the schedule is put up.

Can you send me other details till then wrt costing / accomodation , etc.


Well, i can just give you a short descrition
the event if from 24 to 26th that is fixed so there is no problem
regarding other stuff.

as far as event cost is concerned is Rs.500 is the event cost if you
register online and as far as accomodation is concerned i don' t have
any idea but you have hotels and you can share rooms if more people
are coming

To give you more information i booked tickets of train today itself
and cost is not much 700 to and fro and i got a confirm ticket.

so there is still time to act.

thank you
Rohan Dighe
Fedora Ambassador India.

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to
your grandmother.
-- Albert Einstein

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