Hi All

We are excited to announce DevConf.IN 2020 from 17th - 19th December 2020.
Become a part of the unique virtual community experience and submit your
proposals [1] until November 15th!

This year DevConf.IN goes virtual. Additionally, this year the event is
expected to be a shorter version of the main event. Since we have limited
slots for Talks/Sessions, Workshops, Booths and BoF (indicated as Meetup in
the CFP portal), we encourage you all to put your best foot forward and
also help us spread the word.

Should you have any queries/questions, please write to us at i...@devconf.in

You can always find up-to-date information on our website [2] and our
social media.

Help us get the word out:

*Follow and retweet @devconf_in

*Follow fb page @DevConf.in and share our posts

*Tag us in your posts and tweets and we will republish

Looking forward to your proposals!

[1] https://cfp.devconf.info/
[2] https://www.devconf.info/in/

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