Hi all,
I have one 80 GB HDD which has Windows XPSP2 (NTFS based) & Ubuntu 6.06 upgraded to Ubuntu 6.10 (ext2). It had GNU GRUB 0.97 running underneath it all. Everything was running fine & suddenly yesterday it gave me error 17. Looking in Grub Legacy came to know tht error 17 means :-


17 : Cannot mount selected partition
This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the
filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.

Now in such should I re-install everything or is there some sorta hack which can make it good without re-installing the whole thing. Lastly when we should be able to see Grub2 being used in main-stream distros. Thnx in advance.

Another thing can somebody download the dvd iso of Ubuntu 6.10 http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/release/dvd/ubuntu-6.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrent . This is the torrent link for the same. Thnx in advance.

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