I am not able to get the wireless lan card work with the following 

Acer Aspire 5573 laptop

chipset: Atheros AR5007EG (reported so on Windows)

#lspci | grep Ath
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c 
(rev 01)

Tried madwifi drivers (native Linux) first. (Tried both 0.9.3-35 for which 
binary rpms are available for fc6. Tried latest one that is shipping with 
Fedora 7 i.e. 0.9.4 by compiling kernel module from sources. Same results.)

Get following error on loading the module:

wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware didn't respond as expected' (HAL 
status 3)

Web search shows this is a common issue with this laptop series. No concrete 
answers found anywhere though. The closest help that comes to this is a 
paragraph on this page  
http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/Troubleshooting (Search above message on this 

This talks about some problem due to pci bridges etc. which I couldn't 
understand much. It suggests to use kernel parameter pci=assign-busses which 
I tried but no use. (Nevertheless, I feel the problem lies somewhere as 
described here because apparently there is some difference in the bus IDs 
shown on Windows vs on Linux and the things work fine on Windows. If anyone 
could help me understand text on above mentioned page that will help a lot.)

Tried ndiswrapper, too. The driver used works fine on Windows. Get the 
following error on modprobe:

ndiswrapper (pnp_start_device:440): Windows driver couldn't initialize the 
device (C0000001)

Will appreciate any kind of help, pointers. Please let me know if any more 
information about the h/w / error messages etc is needed.


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