Triode;555020 Wrote: 
> Edit: Updated with Release status - Release 1.0.1 is now available from
> the 3rd Party Plugin list
> Scope:
> - for Spotify users with a Premium account
> - plays back 320k or 160k streams
> - requires a PC based server running Squeezebox server (linux, windows
> or mac)
> - will play back via Squeezebox 2 and later hardware players only
> - supports a single playback session at one time which may be
> synchronised across multiple players (i.e. does not support multiple
> differently playback sessions at one time - this is a Spotify
> limitation)
> If you are a Spotify Premium subscriber, then to try it out:
> 1) Make sure you are running 7.5 or 7.5.1 Squeezebox server
> 2) Go to the Settings/Plugin page and select "Show all 3rd party
> plugins", click apply
> 3) Select the Spotify plugin from the list and then click apply as per
> normal plugin installation
> 4) Ensure the server has restarted
> 5) Go to the Plugin, Settings page for "Spotify" either via the
> advanced menu or from the plugin page
> 6) Read and agree the Spotify restrictions, then add your username and
> password to the settings page.
> 7) If you refresh the settings page a couple of times you should see
> that a "helper app" is running and it is logged into Spotify.  If not
> there may be an error to help...
> 9) Go to the "radio" menu on one of your hardware players and you
> should be able to browse and play tracks from Spotify....
> Linux:
> The binary files included in the plugin include the Spotify library
> libspotify and a closed source application built around this.  This is
> 32bit only so on 64 bit linux you probably need ia32-libs installed. 
> For both 32bit and 64bit machines you will need installed
> (usually in flac or libflac packages of your distro).
> Windows:
> The binary is 32bit and should work on 64bit as well.
> Mac:
> The binary will work on 10.6 machines, but issues have been reported
> using them on 10.5 intel based machines.  If you have a 10.5 intel
> based machine, the workaround is to find the location of 'spotifyd' and
> 'spotifdppc' within the plugin and to rename them so that spotifyppc
> becomes spotifyd.  This will mean the helper app runs in ppc emulation
> mode but it has been reported to work on 10.5 macs.
> Please provide feedback and let me know if this plugin is interesting
> to people on this thread

Have tried this plugin on my ReadyNAS only to find the helper app will
not start. After further search I have found that the plugin will not
run  on ReadyNAS. 
Quote from ReadyNAS forum:
it's good news a spotify plugin was created for Squeezebox,
unfortunately, this does not work on ReadyNAS Duo (essentially because
libspotify only is provided for linux-libc6 x86 architectures)
it's disappointing 
anyone here having an idea about how this should progress? is there
anything to do to overcome these limitations?

Any chance an update to support ReadyNAS will be made?

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