The command:
"aptitude remove logitechmediaserver mysql-server mysql-client

is actually removing four separate things:
1. logitechmediaserver
2. mysql-server
3. mysql-client
4. libmysqlclient-dev

Since LMS now (if I understand correctly) uses SQLite instead of MySQL,
it's not necessary to remove items 2 - 4 since they were removed when
you scrubbed your old SMS version before installing LMS.  The correct
command for an uninstall of LMS, therefore, should be just:
"aptitude remove logitechmediaserver"

and then continue with the reinstall of LMS with wget and dpkg.

I'm happy to report that I just finished doing exactly this on my MBL
and it happily scanned all my new rips - granted it's just 700-odd
tracks in 50-some albums, but it WASN'T finishing scans with SBS 7.6.1,
and now (for one pass, at least) it IS.  So ymmv, and in fact so may
mine (we'll see what the scan does with the next batch of rips), but
from my one datapoint 7.7.1 is an improvement.

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