tbali wrote: 
> Beside 5353 (mDNS) I had to open those I listed above (42247, 40641,
> 35134) from the guest network to the spotty-x86_64 instances which are
> listening on these TCP ports (see lsof command output). So every Spotty
> instance gets a TCP port assigned somehow, it looks like randomly, and
> they get always a new one at restart. They advertise these over mDNS
> like this: 
> > 
  >   > PTR Livingroom._spotify-connect._tcp.local., A *<ip address of the LMS 
server>*, TXT "VERSION=1.0" "CPath=/", SRV *lmsseverfqdn*.local.:*42247*
> > 
> Now I allowed access to the port range 32000-65535, but this isn't the
> nicest solution. But not a problem so don't put efforts in it.
> Thanks for this integration! It's superb, my kids and wife love it.

Was anything ever done to allow the Spotty listening port (or range of
ports) to be defined? I'm hitting the same issue as tbali - I want to
run the LMS behind a firewall and don't really want to open up the
entire 32000-65535 range.

Many thanks for a great plugin,


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