philippe_44 wrote: 
> I looked at the logs and I don't think there is a solution. 
> - The belcanto can't handle properly stream with unknown length (as
> said, this is an improper HTTP implementation), so a content-length must
> be given. 
> - Usually, in that case, the solution is to transcode to PCM where the
> length is a function of the duration (and sample rate/size) so the
> bridge can "calculate" it
> - Roon's interface does not emulate LMS' Command Line Interface so I
> can't retrieve the duration of a track
> - So the only solution is to use a "fake" large content-length and send
> data with a WAV header
> - When the track ends (all bytes sent), the bridge simply stops feeding
> the player, which the naturally stops after a while
> - The bridge detects the stop and because it has send the whole track,
> it moves to the next one
> - Most faulty players are okay with and don't insist on receiving the
> promised content-length when they run out of data
> The problem si that when you end a track in the middle (by changing
> playlist), the bridge stops the player and immediately sets a new track
> information and starts sending new data. It seems that the bel canto, in
> that case, maybe because things are happening too fast, is re-using the
> data from the previous track that is probably hanging around in a
> buffer. Of course that data does not contain a WAV header and it fails.
> It looks to me that it's a twice faulty firmware there that causes that
> result.
> If you look at the logs, you'll see that a stopped player, once received
> a "play" message will return a "playing" response *after* in at started
> to grab data (using HTTP) from the bridge. But when you switch track, it
> claims to be playing right after receiving the "play" message, which of
> course makes no sense, unless it is reusing data from the old buffer.

Hello Philippe 
thank you for your kind support of this  plugin 
I have a belcanto streamer old generation UpNp.
I managed once to stream through roon with kind support of all forums on
a macos system
Since an upgrade on latest squeeze2upnp (not sure that is a reason ) I
can't stream anymore
My Refstram is recognised but doesn't play music. It works though under
the other device Marantz recognised by the config.xml works flawlessly
Any help will be welcomed
Best K


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