I registered for the Napster free trial and successfully used the
service over the 30 days the account was valid. After it expired, I
registered for a full account at napster.co.uk, but now whenever I try
and use my Napster login details I receive various error messages. 

If logging into napster via the the plugin on the duet controller and
putting in my napster username and password, I receive the message
"Problem connecting, failed to parse". 

If trying to setup the plugin via the configure option at
mysqueezebox.com and putting in my napster username and password, I get
the message "Oops!An error has occurred. We're working to fix the
problem, thank you for your patience."

Likewise, when I put my login details into squeezebox server running on
my readynas duo I am first told my free trial has expired and prompted
to put in my new details I receive the message "There was an error
logging in: A session is required to access this resource. Please use
'login' or 'fetchSession'."

It appears which ever avenue I try the app wont recognise my login
details. I have tried creating (and paying for) another Napster
account, reinstalling the napster plugin, reinstalling squeezebox
server and updating to squeezebox server 7.5.3 but all to no avail. 

Has any one else experienced problems having upgraded to the full
service after using the 30 day trial? I know the software can run as it
performed perfectly for the first 30 days. 

I have a squeezebox duet and squeezebox touch running from squeezebox
server on a raedynas duo


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