Just stumbled across this brilliant plugin that will now keep my system
running for another couple of years.

My current system is:-
Joggler running Squeezeplay and Squeezeboxserver 7.9.0
Squeezebox Boom
6 x rio receiver running SlimRio (Slimp3 emulation)

I can get Shairtunes (0.16) working on the joggler and the boom but not
the rio's as they can't play PCM (Only MP3). 

Is there a config file where I can change the Shairport-LMS stream to be
MP3 and not PCM or force the player to LMS with LAME (As it does for

Any help would be great, the family will be really happy to use the
players in a new way.


matt_w's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64564
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103783

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