For some time I have had a problem with my SB not coming on. Following a
suggestion in another thread, I turned the PowerSave plugin off, and
have not had problems since. this does suggest that there is a bug in
PowerSave rather than an issue elsewhere on my system.

Running Mac OS 10.4.8, SlimServer 6.5 (though the problem was visible
in 6.3), SB connected to my computer by two wireless hops (Airport
Extrem Base Station0.

Problem is that, after my computer has been asleep, turning it on
usually provides a connection to the Sb, but quite often does not.

the SB remains dark (even though the screen saver shows date and time
and brightness is not set to zero). Pressing the Power key gives the
message "waking up SlimServer" (even though the machine running the
server is awake) followed by "connecting to SlimServer" followed by a
blank screen again. I can bring the SB to life by pressing and holding
Power (to bring up the Setup screen), pressing Up (to get to "Connect
to, and pressing Right to confirm this choice.

I haven't yet started a systematic check of when the problem occurs. I
don't know if it only happens when I let PowerSave turn off the SB, as
distinct from turning it off manually. I also don't know if it only
occurs when the computer is put to sleep before midnight, and then
woken up next morning, though I think this may well be the only time I
have had this issue.

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