Hello, I posted this over on the VortexBox forum but no takers and
thought I'd give it a shot here. I've pretty much exhausted my research.
Would like to see if anyone here has run into this issue before I
reformat the drive.

I have a VB running VB 2.5 on Fedora 25 on it's own Micro ITX comp
setup. I run the GUI on my Windows 10 comp. Over the last month the
reboot on the VB GUI seems to disconnect the system from the network. I
have to hard shutdown the VB in order to get it back and some times it
takes a couple times to get it back, but once it reconnects it works
fine. The "Power Down" works, it's just the "Reboot".

I've tried a couple different things like logging into the system using
Putty and doing a "fix_network rebuild". Also tried "dnf -y update" with
no luck.

Is there any other command lines I could try to fix it or is this a
corrupted system that is going to need to be reformatted and start over
and is there a way to just load VB without reformatting everything.

Kind regards

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