22tracks.com is a website with curated playlists. Each playlist is made
by an expert, and contains exactly 22 tracks. There are playlists per
genre, but also special playlists for events/festivals/sponsors etc.
Playlists are refreshed monthly. 22tracks now operates in four
locations: Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and London. Each of these cities
has their own set of playlists.

With this plugin, you can steam from 22tracks. You can browse location,
browse playlist, and browse individual tracks for the playlists. By
default, it first shows the available cities. In the plugin settings you
can choose a default city, so those playlists are immediately displayed.
If you set a default city, it is still possible to change the city by
selecting 'All locations' on the playlist overview menu.

To install the 22tracks plugin, add a new repo to the list of 3rd party
repositories. The address is

If you are interested, please test this plugin. For example, I have no
idea if the tracks are geo-blocked, or if everyone around the world can
listen to it. If a receive positive feedback, I can move the plugin to
my personal repo, so it will automatically become part of the official
3rd party plugins. 

One thing to do is on the settings screen, the cities are not loaded
dynamically. Couldn't figure out how to do that. But that's not a big
deal for now. The code itself is on GitHub at

Apparently Sonos is a sponsor of 22tracks, some playlists have their
name/logo in them. Of course, you can also play those on your

My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
(http://server.vijge.net/squeezebox/) for Touch
Source code: 'GitHub' (https://github.com/danielvijge) for SqueezeCloud
and YouTube (old version)
505's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44967
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=105232

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