On 03/23/2010 10:25:04 AM, Ruben Laban wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 March 2010 at 16:10 (CET), Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> > On 03/23/2010 06:00:13 AM, Ruben Laban wrote:
> > > Hello list,
> > >
> > > I'm trying to cook up an improved datamodel to store our 
> bandwidth
> > > statics.
> >
> > Have you considered rrdtool, in conjunction with a supporting
> > tool for data display like cacti or whatever?  The rrdtool
> > website has links to related software.
> >
> > http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/
> I did/do indeed. I'm likely to build a two-tier setup:
> * A SQL based long-term storage solution with raw data.

You might consider using postgresql for the backend, which I say
because I hear that it does well with _very_ large datasets.
Then you could have a real database and not have to artificially
divide things into separate tables.

You may want to ask on, say, #postgresql on irc.freenode.net
just to get confirmation from people before doing a lot of work,
 or the mailing list or whatever.

> * A (most likely) rrd based "frontend" storage solution which would
> allow easy 
> graphing as well (which I currently use gnuplot for).
> I might need to get some SSD disks to be able to import the raw data
> into rrd 
> files in a relatively fast way.
> Using rrdtool as single backend isn't an option. With the ammount of
> details 
> we want to keep over time, the rrd files would be quite large. And
> since each 
> rrd update pretty much requires the complete file to be "rewritten",
> the 
> performance would be pretty bad.

Actually not.  The beauty of rrdtool is that the files are of fixed
size and allocated all at once.  It then "rotates" through the
file as data comes in overwriting only the little part of the
file where the new data is stored.  It will perform much better
than a database.

Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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