
pmacct is a small set of passive network monitoring tools to measure,
account and aggregate IPv4 and IPv6 traffic; aggregation revolves around
the key concept of primitives (VLAN id, source and destination MAC
addresses, hosts, networks, ports, AS numbers, IP protocol and ToS/DSCP
field are supported) which may be arbitrarily combined to build custom
aggregation methods; support for historical data breakdown, triggers and
packet tagging, filtering, sampling. Aggregates can be stored into
memory tables, SQL databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite) or simply
pushed to stdout. Data is collected from the network either using
libpcap (and optionally promiscuous mode)or reading Netflow
v1/v5/v7/v8/v9 and sFlow v2/v4/v5 datagramsboth unicast and multicast.



  + PMACCT OPENS TO SQLITE 3.x: a fully featured SQLite, version 3.x
    only, plugin has been introduced; SQLite is a small C library that
    implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL
    (almost all SQL92) database engine. The plugin is LOCK-based and
    supports the "recovery mode" via an alternate database action.
    Expecially suitable for tiny and embedded environments. The plugin
    can be fired using the keyword 'sqlite3'. See CONFIG-KEYS and
    EXAMPLES for further informations.
  + A new SQL layer - common to MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite plugins -
    has been introduced. It's largely callback-based and results in a
    major architectural change: it sits below the specific SQL code
    (facing the Core Process's abstraction layer) and will (hopefully)
    help in reducing potential bugs and will allow for a quick
    implementation of new SQL plugins.
  ! A bug concerning the setup of insert callback functions for summed
    (in + out) IPv6 traffic has been fixed. The issue was affecting all
    SQL plugins.
  ! A bug concerning the handling of MPLS labels has been fixed in
    pmacctd. Many thanks to Gregoire Tourres and Frontier Online for
    their support.



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