
pmacct is a small set of passive network monitoring tools to measure,
account, classify and aggregate IPv4 and IPv6 traffic; a pluggable and
flexible architecture allows to store the collected traffic data into
memory tables or SQL (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL) databases. pmacct
supports fully customizable historical data breakdown, flow sampling,
filtering and tagging, recovery actions, and triggers. Libpcap, sFlow
v2/v4/v5 and NetFlow v1/v5/v7/v8/v9 are supported, both unicast and
multicast. Also, a client program makes it easy to export data to
tools like RRDtool, GNUPlot, Net-SNMP, MRTG, and Cacti.



  + CONNECTION TRACKING modules has been introduced into pmacctd: they
    are C routines that hint IP address/port couples for upcoming data
    streams as signalled by one of the parties into the control channel
    whenever is not possible to go with a RE classificator. Conntrack
    modules for FTP, SIP and RTSP protocols are included.
  + 'pidfile' directive way of work has been improved: firstly, whenever
    a collector shuts down nicely, it now removes its pidfile. Secondly,
    active plugins now create a pidfile too: it takes the following
    form: <pidfile>-<plugin type>.<plugin name>.
    Thanks to Ivan A. Beveridge for sharing his thoughts at this propo.
  ! Minor fixes to the classification engine: TCP packets with no
    payload are not considered useful classification tentatives; a new
    flow can inherit the class of his reverse flow whenever it's still
    reasonably valid.
  ! Solved a segmentation fault issue affecting the classificator
    engine, whenever the 'snaplen' directive was not specified. Thanks
    to Flavio Piccolo for signalling it.
  ! Fixed a bug in the PostgreSQL plugin: it appeared in 0.10.0rc1 and
    was uniquely related to the newly introduced negative UPDATE SQL
  ! INTERNALS has been updated with few notes about the new
    classification and connection tracking features.



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