[pmacct-discussion] pmacct / bird / ipv6

2018-08-13 Thread BASSAGET Cédric
Hello, I'm working for days on pmacct, trying to make him send ipv6 sflow packets to my collector. But I only see ipv4. Here's my config : root@bgp-rtr2:/usr/local/etc/pmacct# cat pmacctd.sflow.conf debug: false daemonize: false interface: eth0 aggregate: etype, tag, src_host, dst_host, src_port

Re: [pmacct-discussion] pmacct / bird / ipv6

2018-08-13 Thread Paolo Lucente
Hi Cedric, Could you send me by unicast email a brief sample, in pcap format, of the v4 / v6 packets that pmacctd is seeing? It will allow me to replay them at my end and see what the problem may be. Also, can you confirm by doing a 'pmacctd -V' which version of pmacct are you running? Finally,