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forwarded via  Julia Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please forward, there are a lot of people still using these products. The cheap 
price is not worth the risk...Julia

     Subject: [] Animal Help What You May Not Know About Flea Products

           What You May Not Know About Flea Products

  As spring returns once again people who have animal companions in their lives 
will begin to wage a battle with a tiny terrorist, the flea. Every year 
consumers spend hundreds of thousand of dollars to protect their animal 
companions and homes against the invasion. There are dozens of products on the 
market which promise to rid animal and home of fleas and are supposed to be 
safe to use on our companion animals if we follow the directions carefully.
   Recommended Actions For Owners Who Use any Flea Product-

Always monitor your pets when you have applied any flea product.

If you notice your pet starting to act differently anywhere from minutes to a 
few hours up to a day later: Immediately give your pet a through bath. Avoid 
extremes in temperature of water. Hot increases absorption and cold increases 

Try to get as much of the product off as possible. Have someone call your Vet 
while you are doing this. Get your pet to a Vet for medical attention. Take the 
packaging from the product with you.

If you do not have a Vet or can not get in contact with a Vet you can for a$ 
50.00 fee call the ASPCA's National Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435.

Do not use flea products on very young, nursing, senior or animals with medical 
conditions without discussing it first with a Vet.

Read the label and directions.  ***************************************
   Part 1 of this article discusses the known dangers of one particular flea 
product brand widely available at grocery stores, discount stores (such as 
Wal-Mart, Kmart) and pet stores. Part 2 of this article (on page 2) discusses 
other "natural" flea products and the dangers they may pose and offers some 
safe suggestions for naturally fighting fleas on your pet and around your home. 
This information was put together for AnimalHelp.Com by our friends at Against 
Hartz . This information is based on facts and research. It is not the 
intention of AnimalHelp.Com to "bash" a pet product company, but our only 
concern is to see that your pet does not become ill or die from the use of a 
product known to be dangerous. The AnimalHelp.Com Consumer Reports section 
promises unbiased information on products, whether good or bad.

   Since 2000, Hartz Mountain has been under fire from consumers, the EPA and 
the FDA over their flea products and manufacturing process. This is not the 
first time. Blockade, a product manufactured by Hartz was pulled off store 
shelves in 1987, after the company admitted that it had caused 366 animal 
deaths and 2,700 injuries, as well as 56 human injuries
   About Hartz
   Hartz has been around for 78 years. In December 2000, Hartz Mountain 
Corporation was sold to a fund managed by J.W. Childs Associates, LP, and a 
leading private equity investment firm based in Boston, Massachusetts. J.W. 
Childs Associates specializes in leveraged buyouts and recapitalizations of 
middle-market growth companies in partnership with company management.
   For the 75 years prior to the buyout, Hartz was owned and operated by the 
Stern family. No doubt the Stern family is responsible for the long term 'good 
name' and reputation the Hartz label implies.
   In June of 2004 The Japanese conglomerate Sumitomo purchased pet product 
producer Hartz Mountain Corp. for $365 million.
   Hartz makes over 1500 different products under the brands of HARTZ PET 
   Hartz is well known for their charitable funding to such noted institutions 
as University of Idaho, Ohio State University, Ruskin Laboratories, Shedd 
Aquarium, Kansas State University, University of Florida, Tufts University 
School of Veterinary Medicine, Young Veterinary Research Biological 
Laboratories in Ireland.
   Hartz sponsors CFA's, (Cat Fancier's Association), mentoring program and one 
of the AKC's, (American Kennel Club), programs as well.
   Although as of this report and contacting over one hundred members of CFA 
the AKC, not one said they used Hartz flea products.
   The ASPCA's Poison Control Center reported to be the finest in the nation 
a contract with Hartz to deal with the ever increasing calls from consumers 
who's animals have been effect by Hartz flea products. If the consumers call is 
about a Hartz flea product the normally applied $50.00 fee for the call is 
   Hartz has an equally impressive list of affiliates. Animal Health Institute, 
APPMA (American Pet Products Manufacturer Association), Pet Industry Joint 
Advisory Council (PIJAC). A pretty impressive resume by anyone's standards, at 
least on paper it looks that way.
   What Hartz Won't Tell You
   Since 2000 there have been over 33,000 complaints made by consumers across 
the nation about Hartz flea products. Twenty-four different TV news stations 
have done reports about the effects of Hartz flea products. There has been one 
class action filed against Hartz, which was settled out of court.
   The EPA regulates Hartz flea products rather than the FDA. The reason being 
Hartz flea products are classified as pesticides rather than drugs.
   The FDA regulates such products as Advantage and Frontline they are 
classified as drugs. They are listed in the FDA's 'Green Book.'
   In October of 2003, the FDA sent a warning letter to Dr. Albert H. Ahn 
Corporate Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer of Hartz Mountain 
Corporation. The letter lists eight documented significant deviations from 
Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP?s) for Finished Pharmaceuticals 
(Code of Federal Regulations), Title 21, Parts 210 and 211. regarding their 
manufacturing process of products containing the drug Hydrocortisone, which 
happen to be in many of Hartz flea shampoos and sprays.
   By reading various EPA documents that are available online, you will see 
Hartz told the EPA that the reasons for the over 33,000 complaints made by 
consumers were not due to using the product but the inability of American 
consumers to:
   1. Choose the cat version of the product rather than the dog version
   2. The inability of the American consumer to read and correctly follow label 
directions for use
   3. A possible mix-up of the two versions in a certain batch
   The EPA responded to that information in 2001 by having Hartz recall the 
and Tick Drops product to "re-label" it with a stronger warning. The EPA also 
stated, "There is significant evidence from the incident data that some cats 
develop neurological signs of toxicity after exposure. A margin of safety was 
not been established in the companion animal safety studies. Therefore, studies 
should be repeated."
   Despite being forced to re-label the product, a legal action, twenty-four 
news stories and over 33,000 complaints made by consumers across the nation, 
Hartz still sells these preparations to unsuspecting, pet-owning American 
consumers and denies any of their products has ever hurt an animal.
   If you do an Internet search on Google for, ' Problems with Hartz Flea & 
Products', you'll get about 800 results back. The first one on the list is ' 
Hartz Flea & Tick Products - Dangerous for Pets Petition' 
www.petitiononline.com/hartz/petition.html If you read all the comments made by 
approximately one quarter of the 6370 people who have signed the petition, a 
disturbing set of figures emerge.

944 Cats required emergency vet treatment to safe their lives, after Hartz flea 
& tick products were applied to them.

211 Cats died, after Hartz flea & tick products were applied to them.

81 Dogs required emergency vet treatment to safe their lives, after Hartz flea 
& tick products were applied to them.

47 Dogs died, after Hartz flea & tick products were applied to them.
   From only 53 of the 6370 people who signed the petition, their combined cost 
for vet care after using Hartz flea and tick products adds up to $26,755.50 
dollars. The individual costs ranged from $100.00 to $2,600.00. Both the owners 
and Vets agree it was the product that caused the problem.
   If you take a short online tour you will find Hartz related web sites, such 
as www.HartzVictims.org , Against Hartz, 
(http://www.geocities.com/againsthartz/) and Hartz Victims Cyber 
Quilt.(http://www.geocities.com/HartzQuilt) You will also find groups such as 
FOAH, (Feline Owners Against Hartz).
   Known Adverse Reactions -

Excessive drooling



Dizziness or symptoms related to balance

Convulsions or seizures

Tremors of the extremities, twitching

Hypo- or Hyperthermia


Difficulties breathing


In extreme cases, death may result from prolonged seizure activity or 
respiratory failure Visit HartzVictims.Org and 
http://www.geocities.com/againsthartz/ for more information and to read 
hundreds of real stories written and submitted by pet owners about the problems 
their pets endured after using the Hartz Flea products. Many of these animals 
died as a result of the product. These stories are heartbreaking, but will 
really open your eyes to the dangers these products present.

   Beware of so called 'Natural ingredients', in flea repellent products. 
Consumers need to read product labels carefully.
   d'Limonene, which is derived from citrus peels and found in many natural 
anti-fleaproducts, it is highly toxic to cats.
   Herbal flea collars, come with the same warning: do not let children play 
with the collar. "All natural synthetic Pyrethrin." Pyrethrins are insecticides 
derived from the African chrysanthemum. Pyrethroids are synthetic derivatives 
of pyrethrins. Both are commonly used in flea products. Pyrethrins alone can be 
toxic to the animals.
   Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil and Pennyroyal oil are known to cause 
allergic reactions. Cat owners take special note: Cats should not be given any 
essential oils. Cats do not efficiently metabolize essential oils and their use 
can lead to symptoms of toxicity. Cats have very thin, delicate skin. Essential 
oils are absorbed rapidly.
   Safe ways to fight fleas
   A strong immune system and high nutrient levels help to repel insects. B 
complex, zinc, selenium and antioxidants play a vital part in strong immune 
systems. It has to do with the strength of each person's immune system and the 
levels of in the body and bloodstream. A strong immune system and high nutrient 
levels help repel insects.
   A healthy animal does not taste or smell as good to fleas.
   Garlic and yeast Fleas particularly dislike the flavor of garlic and yeast 
(nutritional or brewer's yeast). Mixing garlic and yeast with your pet's food 
can render their blood unpalatable to fleas. Cat owners: Please be aware that 
raw garlic is known to be toxic to cats.
   Other natural repellents include vitamin B1 (thiamine) and apple cider 
vinegar.(See your vet for the correct amount of a vitamin B1 supplement for 
your pet.) The dosage of apple cider vinegar is about one teaspoon daily in the 
pet's drinking water. Apple cider vinegar helps strengthen the immune system.
   The safest way to deal with flea is by using a flea comb on a regular basis. 
Bathing animals regularly is also advised.
   Fleas lay their eggs everywhere - in carpets, curtains, upholstery, animal 
bedding, cracks and crevices. Destroying the fleas' eggs by thorough weekly 
vacuuming and frequent washing of animal bedding. Essential oils as flea 
repellent Essential botanical oils such as eucalyptus, cedar, peppermint, 
citrus (dogs only), lemongrass, etc. are one way of combating fleas. These 
blended oils repel fleas with their smell. Mix a few drops with distilled water 
in a spray bottle and spritz infested areas.
   Diatomaceous earth - Food grade Diatomaceous earth sprinkled under furniture 
and into other nooks and crannies around your house will kill fleas and flea 
eggs by cutting into their waxy skin and dehydrating them.
   Nematodes Outside - You can keep the flea population down in the area around 
your house by using nematodes. These microscopic worms eat flea larvae (and 
reputedly ignore the "good" bugs) and are therefore a natural way to control 
the flea population. You can purchase nematodes at pet and garden stores.

Due to AOL bouncing messages with links, remove spaces to visit the link below

Have a SAFE, fun and HARTZ-FREE Summer! Hartz KILLS Pets! http: // www. 
geocities. com/ againsthartz/ index1. html www. hartzvictims. org

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