Hi, Ali
    It not work. 
    An exception raised :
Error 35 occurred!

PoDoFo encounter an error. Error: 35 ePdfError_UnsupportedFontFormat
Error Description: This font format is not supported by PoDoFO.
#0 Error Source: 
Information: Required TrueType table missing

And I tried some other fonts,they raise the same error。
发件人: Jaseem Ali K T
发送时间: 2016-11-16 21:06
收件人: liben...@zhongfu.net; podofo-users
主题: RE: [Podofo-users] Pdf displays not correct
It seems to be a problem when identity encoding is used.
Can you try with
pFont = document.CreateFontSubset("SimHei", false,false,false, 
From: liben...@zhongfu.net [mailto:liben...@zhongfu.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 5:48 PM
To: podofo-users <podofo-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Podofo-users] Pdf displays not correct
    I have some sample code, but  it seems not  work properly.
    The spacing between letters is larger than the normal word. 
    It seems that a English letter takes up two positions. But the chinese 
words displays correctly.
    I have worked four days on this problem, but the problem is still not 
    PdfStreamedDocument document( "hello-pdf.pdf" );
    PdfPainter painter;
    PdfPage* pPage;
    PdfFont* pFont;
    pPage = document.CreatePage( PdfPage::CreateStandardPageSize( 
ePdfPageSize_A4 ) );
    painter.SetPage( pPage );
    PdfIdentityEncoding *encoding = new PdfIdentityEncoding(0,0xffff,false);
    pFont = document.CreateFont( "SimHei", false, (PdfEncoding*)encoding);
    //pFont = document.CreateFont( "SimHei");
    pFont->SetFontSize( 18.0 );
    painter.SetFont( pFont );
    painter.DrawText( 56.69, pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight() - 56.69, "Hello 
World!" );
    painter.DrawText( 56.69, pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight() - 56.69- 26.69, 
PdfString( reinterpret_cast<const pdf_utf8*>("你好")) );
could someone help me?
sorry for my poor English.
best wishes!

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