as can be read in the README of PoDoFo (URL 
http://sf.net/p/podofo/code/HEAD/tree/podofo/trunk/README.htmlto the current 
revision) it does no rendering, and AFAIK none is planned either.So if you 
accept copylefted software (GNU GPL'd in this case) you should look tothe 
poppler library, URL http://poppler.freedesktop.org/ is its homepage.I can't 
help you with non-free software and don't know about libre software forPDF 
rendering that is non-copylefted (IIRC).
Hope this helps.

Best regards, mabri


   From: "yibowang_n...@sina.cn" <yibowang_n...@sina.cn>
 To: podofo-users <podofo-users@lists.sourceforge.net> 
 Sent: 6:52 Thursday, 7 January 2016
 Subject: [Podofo-users] How to display a buffered PDF in a MFC window by using 
As the title, I have got a buffered PDF(pBuffer), then how to display it  in a 
MFC window (pWnd) by using PODOFO,would you please give me a hint of  example 
code? (take "pBuffer" and "pWnd" as two parameters), Thanks a lot!

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