Hi Erick,

I work with Tony. I have a new patch now which addresses this issue, as well as another leak: calling $self->wheel($id) will initialize a key in $self->{$PKG}{wheels}{$id}, causing a leak if the wheel had already finished or if it never existed.


*** Child.pm    2009-06-02 16:10:53.120660674 +0200
--- Child.pm.patched    2009-05-28 16:38:08.687685140 +0200
*** 265,279 ****

        # clean up

!       delete $self->{$PKG}{wheels}{$id};
!       delete $self->{$PKG}{pids}{$id};

        # all expiring children should issue a "done" except when
        # the return code is non-zero which indicates a failure
        # if the caller asked we quit, fire a "done" regardless
        # of the child's return code value (we might have hard killed)

!       my $event = ($self->{$PKG}{wheels}{$id}{quit} || $rc == 0)
                ? "done" : "died"
        $self->callback($event, { wheel => $id, rc => $rc });
--- 265,281 ----

        # clean up

!       delete $self->{$PKG}{pids}{$self->{$PKG}{wheels}{$id}{ref}->PID};
!         my $wheel = delete $self->{$PKG}{wheels}{$id};
!       delete $self->{$PKG}{SIGCHLD}{$id};
!       delete $self->{$PKG}{CLOSED}{$id};

        # all expiring children should issue a "done" except when
        # the return code is non-zero which indicates a failure
        # if the caller asked we quit, fire a "done" regardless
        # of the child's return code value (we might have hard killed)

!       my $event = ($wheel->{quit} || $rc == 0)
                ? "done" : "died"
        $self->callback($event, { wheel => $id, rc => $rc });
*** 306,311 ****
--- 308,314 ----
  sub wheel {
        my $self = shift;
        my $id = shift || $self->{$PKG}{wheels}{current};
+       return undef unless exists $self->{$PKG}{wheels}{$id};
=== END PATCH ===

On Jun 4, 2009, at 7:30 PM, Erick Calder wrote:

sorry, I still own it. I've just been disconnected from the world a long
time.  it will take me a while to get back to you on this but I will

From: Tony Wildish <wild...@mail.cern.ch>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 10:58:12 +0200
To: <poe@perl.org>
Subject: Re: Bug in PoCo::Child when PID wraps round (fwd)


just checking one more time: is anyone looking after PoCo::Child, or is
it orphaned?


On Wed, 15 Apr 2009, Tony Wildish wrote:


I sent this to the bug-poe-component-ch...@rt.cpan.org list some time ago
but it looks like that list is dead. Is there someone here managing


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 12:56:33 +0100 (CET)
From: Tony Wildish <wild...@mail.cern.ch>
To: bug-poe-component-ch...@rt.cpan.org
Subject: Bug in PoCo::Child when PID wraps round


we have been using PoCo::Child in a project for a while now and have just uncovered a bug. The internal bookkeeping for the association of wheelIDs and PIDs is wrong, with the result that when the OS PID wraps round, the
wrong wheelID will be given to the 'done' event.

 I'm using PoCo::Child version 1.39, perl 5.8.5, kernel

 You can see the bug by inspection of the code. At line 192 we have:

        my $id = $wheel->ID;
$self->debug(qq/run(): "@$cmd", wheel=$id, pid=/ . $wheel- >PID);

        $self->{$PKG}{pids}{$wheel->PID} = $id;

so the {pids} are inserted keyed on $wheel->PID. But at line 268, the
clean up deletes as follows:

        delete $self->{$PKG}{wheels}{$id};
        delete $self->{$PKG}{pids}{$id};

 so it's deleting keyed on wheel->ID, not $wheel->PID.

When the PIDs wrap round, the protection in sig_child is broken by this:

sub sig_child {
    my ($kernel, $self, $pid, $rc) = @_[KERNEL, OBJECT, ARG1, ARG2];

        my $id = $self->{$PKG}{pids}{$pid} || "";

    # child death signals are issued by the OS and sent to all
    # sessions; we want to handle only our own children

        return unless $id;

Because the {pids} hash had the wrong entry deleted in the cleanup, when the PIDs wrap, an old $id will be found where none should be. So sig_child
will not return here, and will cause 'done' to be fired with the old
wheelID, which is plainly wrong.

 Also, the cleanup around line 268/269 should remove {CLOSED} and
{SIGCHLD} entries for the wheel too. That's less serious because it won't cause a problem until wheel-IDs wrap round, which will take a lot longer,
but it's still a leak.


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