Don't use an asynchronous client if you don't need one.  The cookbook includes 
examples using POE::Filter::Reference by itself.

Rocco Caputo <>

On Jan 31, 2013, at 09:41, Antti Linno wrote:

> Hm, as my needs for application server are very simple, I feel that POE TCP
> client is too heavy, compared to IO::Socket for example.
> Slim client=>
> use IO::Socket;
> use JSON qw( encode_json );
> my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
>    PeerAddr => 'localhost',
>    PeerPort => '11211',
>    Proto => 'tcp'
> );
> print $sock ( encode_json( { event => "position", phone => "12345" } ) .
> '[EOM]' );
> close $sock;
> exit;
> In server I parse messages with=>
> POE::Component::Server::TCP->new(
>    Alias        => "emt_server",
>    Address      => "localhost",
>    Port         => 11211,
>    ClientFilter => [ "POE::Filter::Line", Literal => "[EOM]" ],
>    ClientConnected => sub {
>        say "Client connected";
>    },
>    # Handle client requests here.
>    ClientInput => sub {
>        my ( $heap, $params_json ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0 ];
>        print $params_json;
>        Wrapper::emt_event( decode_json $params_json );
>    },
> This works. But I somehow feel that this is not elegant solution. How do I
> use POE::Filter::Reference instead of Line? Tried to freeze and send, but
> the server did not enter ClientInput event. Is there a slim and elegant
> solution? :) Or should I use cookbook client and just kill client after
> every request with $kernel->yield("shutdown")? Cookbook client works fine.
> If I use ClientFilter => [ "POE::Filter::Reference", "YAML" ], I cannot
> trigger ClientConnected subroutine with IO::Socket :) Tried to use
> standalone Filter::Reference->put and send it over socket, but still no
> luck.
> Thank you all.
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 7:29 PM, Antti Linno <> wrote:
>> Thank you. You saved me from fourth standalone daemon :D
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Rocco Caputo <> wrote:
>>> On Jan 30, 2013, at 09:49, Antti Linno wrote:
>>>> Or I need advice, how to merge several sungo's(
>>>> daemons into one
>>> package, if
>>>> someone would be so kind. Adding UDP should be fairly similar then.
>>>> Any hints, second opinion(maybe not to merge TCP and UDP), or code
>>> examples
>>>> are welcome :)
>>> I've attached a working version of your sample code.  It starts two TCP
>>> servers and a UDP service, and lets them all run at once in the same
>>> process.
>>> --
>>> Rocco Caputo <>

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