It's come to my attention that POE's not quite iThread-safe.  POE keys much of 
its data on stringified session references.  iThreads relocates objects in 
subthreads (and subprocesses on MSWin32), but their stringified versions in the 
hash keys aren't modified.  Hilarity ensues when POE's data stops matching 

I've tried defining class CLONE methods, but the data in question is 
sufficiently cross-referenced that it's not possible to rewrite the keys.  
Attempting it causes Perl to panic.  Fun!

Now I'm rekeying data on session ID.  This should work without a time consuming 
CLONE phase.  However it breaks many assumptions about POE's internal workings. 
 Most people oughtn't care.  If you do care, let's talk.

Rocco Caputo -

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