
what exactly is an IterationRecord for?

I especially wonder why it's set to false upon document creation, as the
description somehow seems like it would control whether depending
formulas are recalculated upon modification of cells/other formulas.

The reason why I'm interested is because I have a document where
formulas aren't recalculated. After modifying the cells on which the
formulas depend and saving the document (JXLS does that using POI), the
formula cells still show their old value before modification.

I can trigger recalculation by pressing F2 or somehow modifying the
formulas, or at least pretending to do so. For example, searching and
replacing '=' with '=' (yes, same character) in a sheet will update the
formulas to their correct value.

However, it's an existing document, so maybe createIteration() isn't
even called. Maybe it's still connected to the IterationRecord?

That issue wasn't present in POI 2.5.1.

I also added a bug: http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=41971


Julien Oster
IT Systementwicklung
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