Hi All,

Nightly Builds

You may or may not have noticed the POI nightly  builds haven't been
working.  I was doing some re-engineering of HPSF and had to do it in
steps so the build was broken.  If the build is broken then obviously
the nightly builds don't upload.  I've tested the build and I expect it
to work tonight.  Enjoy.


I've finished the work I plan to do on HPSF.  It now compiles and while
I see no unit test errors I assume that it is broken.  I could not
figure out what the ClassID class was doing.  I moved it out of
littleenidan package into the HPSF package as it seems to be more than a
root primitive anyhow.  I commented out the function that isn't working
and threw a runtime exception so that the rest of the code could build.

Contrib/POI Browser

There is only one class (PropertySetRenderer) that seemed to be
affected.  In the interest of compilation I threw runtime exceptions
wherever it was affected (only 2 places).

HPSF Testing

I did not see any unit test failures so I assume that everything I did
was correct without any real knowledge of the code.  I at the moment do
not have any projects to use this code on so I'll have to come back to
it when I do. 


Rainer - Rainer, can you please look at ClassID?  It shouldn't take you

To whom it may concern - Anyone, using HPSF with an interest in it
working, should take a look at it and see if it works.  I'd like to see
this code with a little more javadoc and unit tests.  Not all of this
code is up to our community standards (see resolutions/001) and I'd like
to see it get there.  

Conclusion - 

I'm done with HPSF for now.  There is some minor hemorrhaging around the
wounds that require attention of someone with more familiarity with this
code.  The stuff compiles, needs some unit tests and a bit more javadoc,
but I've done my part of getting it to use
org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian and made adaptations to LittleEndian to
support this.  Contrib/PoiBrowser shouldn't be much work to get working
again once someone fixes ClassID -- But I didn't touch it any more than
to get it to compile. 


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The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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