Tobias Kreidl wrote:
> As to the choice of 100,000 as  the query limit, I would think this 
> would be machine- and database-dependent to some extent, and still think 
> it might be a good idea to at least allow the system administrator to 
> respecify it (but leave the default where it is).  Is 100,000 something 
> that was determined empirically?

This number took quite some time to get to. Very large MySQL deletes
would cause the most horrendous of problems from key corruptions to
weird things like trying to complete the delete query even if MySQL
was restarted (this was dependent on the database type being used
during testing (innodb vs myisam).

With 100,000 records deleted, the queries are running far faster, it
is easier to monitor how far into the delete you are, allows for
clean interruption and has generally made Policyd's interaction
with MySQL far more stable. Making it configurable is handing people
a loaded gun. Experienced people are more than welcome to tweak that
manually and provide feedback.


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