[political-research] Journal of 911 Studies

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.journalof911studies.com/ The Journal of 9/11 Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic-only journal covering the whole of research related to 9/11/2001. All content is freely available online. Save

[political-research] Bringing on 'World War III' - by Bill Berkowitz

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.antiwar.com/ips/berkowitz.php?articleid=9370 July 21, 2006 Bringing on 'World War III' by Bill Berkowitz If you thought that a global conflagration on the order of a World War was more the stuff of Biblical prophecy, science fiction and apocalyptic end-times novels, think

[political-research] Tom Hayden on the Israel Lobby

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/20060718_tom_hayden_things_come_round/ Tom Hayden: Things Come ’Round in Mideast Posted on Jul 18, 2006 By Tom Hayden Editor’s note: In this essay, veteran social activist Tom Hayden, drawing upon his own rude political awakening to the realities of Israeli

[political-research] Israel's Espionage Network in the U.S.

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.palestinechronicle.com/story-01270621553.htm Friday January 27, 2006 The Tyranny Of Israel Over America By James Petras --- Irving Libby of the office of the Vice President revealed the identity of an undercover CIA agent The mass expulsion

[political-research] Swedes start to return from Lebanon - The situation is horrible

2006-07-21 Thread tim_howells_1000
Sweden has been struggling to extricate its national from Lebanon, and hundreds are now starting to return. From our local Uppsala newspaper (Uppsala Nya Tidning): There is more trauma and suffering than we had previously believed. Many have been forced to leave family members behind and

[political-research] Fw: America's Support for Israel Is Undermined By the Left

2006-07-21 Thread Bond
Sean - check out this trash which just arrived via NewsMax: - Original Message - From: NewsMax.com Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 10:06 PM Subject: America's Support for Israel Is Undermined By the Left DearNewsMax Reader: Please find below an urgentmessage

[political-research] 2006 sets heat record for US (Reuters)

2006-07-21 Thread better_off_said
More fodder for you believers of global warming. ;) -- 2006 sets heat record for US | Reuters By Deborah Zabarenko Thu Jul 20, 9:32 AM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The first six months of 2006 were the warmest, on average, since the

[political-research] Pandora's music box inspires fans

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6096619.html Excerpt: SAN FRANCISCO--Tim Westergren could be thought of as a modern-day Santa Claus with a bag full of compact discs you've probably never heard of. The founder of Pandora, a 7-month-old, so-called music-discovery engine, Westergren travels

[political-research] By way of deception... vs. Where no counsel is...

2006-07-21 Thread better_off_said
I had this repeating dream last night where I'm stuck in the safe house scene from Steven Spielberg's Munich. It would keep replaying with the same characters, but with different scenarios and outcomes. At one point I heard a voice in the background saying, by way of deception thou shall

[political-research] Bloglines - Samuel Danner, Pentagon eyewitness, speaks out

2006-07-21 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. 911info The place to find all the real cutting edge information, news, and analysis on the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Samuel Danner, Pentagon eyewitness, speaks out By Total

Re: [political-research] On the Israel Lobby and Christian Armageddonists

2006-07-21 Thread bernard pyron
Sean:I agree that Tim LaHaye, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, John Hagee and Hal Lindsey think that the Jews at this point in time are still God's chosen people. I am not familiar with Mike Evans. Since the Jews are God's chosen people for these celebrities, the U.S. should do everything to

[political-research] Pretext for war with Iran

2006-07-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ July 21, 2006 -- Informed sources have told WMR that arch-neocon Michael Ledeen, who acts as an unofficial foreign policy adviser to Karl Rove, was at the White House yesterday with a group of Iranian opposition figures. Among the topics discussed was a

[political-research] What's One More War? (The Neocon Drive for More Mideast Mayhem)

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.salon.com/opinion/conason/2006/07/21/failed_wars/ Excerpt: Instead of learning from their bloody mistakes, the neocons see Lebanon as a chance to repeat them. By Joe Conason Whatever the neoconservatives may lack in prudence they more than compensate for with persistence. Their

[political-research] White House Calls on Jewish Groups to Line Up Behind John Bolton

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/001553.php Excerpt: It's hard to imagine something more cynical than the White House exploiting Middle East convulsions -- in which many innocents on all sides are dying in real time -- to divide Americans at home in order to try and squeeze through

Re: [political-research] On the Israel Lobby and Christian Armageddonists

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
If we examine the Bible and Christian doctrine as mythical and psychological constructs, and not as strictly literal guides to the truth, it is easy to see that Christian Zionism (which is closelyconnected todispensationalism)corresponds to the Antichrist in this intellectual system. Christian

[political-research] Media Matters - Cavuto's Middle East experts: Ann Coulter and Bo Dietl

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://mediamatters.org/items/200607210007 Israel lobby Rupert Murdoch Fox News American fascism An impressive level of expertise on display here. Save and share anything you find online - Furl @ http://www.furl.net

[political-research] Evangelical leader pushing 'End Times' war with Iran

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
[Comment: this article fails to mention that the most powerful component of the Jewish lobby in the United States (yes, the Jewish lobby, not the Israel lobby), is a major backer of John Hagee and his CUFI (Christians United for Israel). One can only reasonably conclude that the CPMAJO

[political-research] Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events

2006-07-21 Thread Sean McBride
http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2006/07/reassessing-hariri-assassination-in.html Comment: The Harari assassination helped pave the way for the current Israeli campaign of carnage in Lebanon. Makes perfect sense. Save and